
14 November 2024


Microsoft Teams


13:00 - 14:00

How to Talk About Homes: session two

In this second session we focus on how we can frame communications in ways build understanding of how our homes impact our health, and why this matters. 

The How to Talk About Homes series

How we talk about homes matters. We all have power as communicators to tell a story about homes that builds understanding and support for solutions to make our housing system better.

We need a new conversation about housing in the UK, to build greater public support and action to deliver quality homes for everyone.

That’s why Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Nationwide Foundation have been partnering with FrameWorks UK – to understand how people think about homes in the UK, and to find communications strategies that we can all use to reframe our communications.

In this series, Sophie Gordon, Principal Communications Strategist from FrameWorks UK will share insights, guidance and tips, useful for anyone communicating about homes, and those with an interest in how we can build support for change.

Your speakers

  • Sophie Gordon, principal communications strategist, FrameWorks UK
  • Chair: Sarah Davis, CIH policy lead on housing and health
Package Member Non-Member
Session Free Free

Please see our full terms and conditions before making your booking. 

Other events in this series
5 November: An introduction to framing, with a focus on social homes

Tuesday 5 November  - 13:00 to 14:00

An introduction to what framing is and why it matters, with recommendations for framing communications about social homes.

Find out more

27 November: Framing our conversations about homes and climate

Wednesday 27 November - 13:00 to 14:00

A session that brings together insights on framing climate change and framing homes. Useful for anyone communicating about homes, sustainability and our environment.

Find out more

A Framing Toolkit
How to talk about homes Joseph Rowntree Foundation