Supporting housing professionals to create a future in which everyone has a place to call home.

We are the professional body for people who work in housing, the independent voice for housing and the home of professional standards. We promote the art and science of housing and act in the interest of our members and the public.

CIH is a registered charity and not-for-profit organisation. This means that the money we make is put back into the organisation and funds the activities we carry out to support the housing sector.

We have a diverse membership of people who work in both the public and private sectors, in 20 countries on five continents across the world.

England charity number 244067/R and Scotland number SCO40324.

Our goals
Be the recognised first choice professional body for housing professionals


  • Improve the visibility of CIH, ensuring our unique selling points as the professional body for the sector are known and understood
  • Develop a clear understanding of members, their behaviours and needs, and match it to the services and products we provide for an improved experience
  • Continue to build a compelling member offer so that membership becomes the ‘hallmark’ of individual professional development
  • Develop recognition of CIH member value for organisations to maximise the benefit of membership across teams
  • Develop sales, marketing and communications strategy to include increase in brand profile and market segmentation
  • Offer a well-considered, stable and sustainable international member offer based on clear conditions for expansion.
Provide relevant, current professional development for a recognised and valued housing profession and career of choice


  • Lead the sector in implementing an ongoing professional development strategy which encourages and supports personal and professional aspirations
  • Be the recognised leader in developing, upholding and assuring standards and practice for the housing profession
  • Offer leading educational products and services which prepare the housing sector for the future
  • Maximise opportunities to align our offer and gain/retain external recognition
  • Be the go-to provider of best practice continuing professional development (CPD) activity
  • Be the leading source for good practice advice and knowledge.
Be the leading voice for the housing profession across the UK


  • Maximise opportunities to use our public voice, influence and reputation to effect positive change in housing in all four nations
  • Build effective public affairs engagement
  • Promote the role and value of our members within and as representatives of the housing profession
  • Deliver a successful and growing high quality events offer.
Be a successful, sustainable and well-respected organisation


  • Continue to be a surplus generating organisation with diversified income streams to ensure financial viability
  • Continue to develop a future-focused business model which achieves sustainability
  • Continually invest in our infrastructure exploring use of new technologies to maximise efficiency of services
  • Fully embed EDI commitments across our organisation and take the lead on inclusivity so that we truly represent the communities we serve
  • Continue to recognise, attract, reward, and retain high performing people who bring diversity of backgrounds, skills, experience and passion to achieve our purpose and values
  • Embed professionalism across CIH driven by a shared understanding of and commitment to our agreed culture and values
  • Embed a culture of holistic, cross team working across CIH.

Become a member today

Join the UK’s biggest housing professional network.

Gain professional recognition across the sector by demonstrating your commitment to creating a housing system where everyone has a place to call home.

As a CIH member you will gain access to the latest sector-leading knowledge and best practice, free attendance our events and training, and much more.

Find out more

How we are run

We are a registered charity, with education at the core of our charitable status. That means we must comply with the requirements of the law relating to charities. Our activities are regulated by the Charity Commissioners in England and Wales, and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator in Scotland.

We were granted a Royal Charter in 1984 and our work is governed by our Royal Charter and Byelaws, overseen by the Privy Council. You can read more about our history here.

View our corporate plan 2024-2027

We have outlined our objectives for the next three years in our corporate plan.


Code of conduct
Individuals who are part of our incredible membership network are required to uphold the CIH code of conduct to evidence their professionalism and dedication to the sector, in addition to their commitment CIH’s mission, principles and values.
Code of ethics
The CIH code of ethics consists of a set of values, principles and behaviours that guide the expected professional conduct and judgement of CIH members.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We are committed to continuing to promote a variety of cultures and diversity across the housing sector. We'll continually challenge everything that we do to ensure that all aspects of our work are inclusive.

Our campaigns

CIH’s foundation as a social purpose organisation provides opportunities for us to challenge thinking and decisions, in a constructive and evidence-based manner.

Learn more about our campaigns, and find out what we are doing to shape the future of housing policy and bring about positive change in the housing sector.

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Get involved

The various voluntary groups across CIH are an integral piece of our organisation's puzzle. They help us to improve our services, develop relevant content, training, and products, as well as strengthen our voice in the housing profession.

Find out more about our voluntary groups and how you can help us continue to create a future where everyone has a place to call home.

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Discover more about what we do

Our goal is simple – we provide everyone involved in housing with the skills, knowledge and behaviours you need to be brilliant.
CIH events are brilliant opportunities to learn with inspiring and challenging speakers from housing and beyond, to build networks with colleagues, solve problems and scan the horizon.
Policy work
The policy team works hard to support members with policy knowledge and influence key decision-makers on policy implementation.