01 Mar 2021

Interesting, diverse, fantastic! Joe recommends careers in housing

Ask a housing professional how their career in the sector started, and they will most likely tell you it was by accident or some other obscure way. Having been around for a while, I know what a fantastic career choice housing can be. 

It all started for me in September 2007, when I took an apprenticeship role in a leasehold team. Thirteen years and three organisations later I am still in housing.  Here are the key learning points that I feel has supported my career journey so far. 

Get qualified 

Many years ago I studied the CIH qualifications. I use the knowledge I gained every day at work. Obvious to say, but if I hadn’t been through this process I would only know what my colleagues say is right or what the organisation’s policies tell me. At the time, I was working full time and studying on weekends (it certainly felt tough on occasion), but it now gives me extra leverage when seeking new opportunities. 

Get a network 

No matter what level you are at, it can be really useful to have a selection of fellow professionals to discuss situations and share best practice with. I have always found housing folk to be a friendly bunch. Don't upset anyone though - you might have to work with them in a future life! It is easy to stay connected on digital networks such as Linkedin and at CIH events. 

Get a mentor 

I have benefited from several structured mentoring sessions and unofficial confidants who have supported me to become a better professional. My advice is to seek views and opinions from a range of sources. People at different organisations and at different levels - chief execs, frontline managers, consultants – will all approach situations from different angles. 

Try different roles 

Take opportunities to sidestep into different teams and see different disciplines. Sure it is great to have specialist knowledge, but it is also great to see the bigger picture. I have personally found being multidisciplinary quite empowering.  

Put yourself in the hat 

At the end of last year I was appointed as a team leader with responsibility to lead on income collection. Certainly a challenge in the current climate, but having developed my career with all the points above I look forward to making a difference in my new role. 

Housing is without doubt an interesting and diverse career path. 

Written by Joe Mallen

Joe is an income team leader at Trident Group.