See CIH’s ’10-point plan’ for housing and supporting strategy document
CIH have submitted their response to the latest government consultation on extending permitted development rights (PDR).
Discover the finalists for this year's ceremony, taking place at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Glasgow on 27 October 2023.
Development of the golden thread is one of the most vital parts of new building safety legislation to providing new tools that will support the sector to keep its buildings and residents safe.
This year’s Scottish Housing Day is focused on raising awareness of the variety of roles and routes into the sector, making the case for housing to be recognised as an important and valued career.
The government has worked with rented sector bodies and health experts to provide guidance for landlords underlining the health impacts and risks from damp and mould
Elly will officially become vice president following the 2023 CIH annual general meeting in the autumn.
The ninth cost of living briefing has been released by the Chartered Institute of Housing.
We have been making some big changes to our membership. Today, we’re writing to confirm another change.
‘Housing policy in a changing world: A UK Housing Review Reader’ is new a resource for housing students and anyone interested in housing policy.
CIH respond to the latest quarterly homeless statistics and provide a summary of the key statistical take aways.
Find out more about this year's vice president candidates and how to vote.
CIH chief executive Gavin Smart responds live from Kings Place to the Secretary of State's speech on housing.
The ‘Holding on to home’ study is examining tenancy sustainment in social housing.
The Better Social Housing Review published in December, included a challenging set of findings and found that the social housing sector is under huge pressure.