A new report has found that the majority of social landlords in Scotland have not put in place adequate policies to support survivors of domestic abuse.
Recognising our commitment to improving equality, diversity and inclusion in our organisation, throughout our membership and across the housing sector.
CIH have co-signed a national group briefing laying out how government can safeguard domestic abuse survivors when addressing anti-social behaviour.
CIH welcome Ofgem’s updated code of practice and focus on tighter enforcement and oversight but believe it should go further.
Scotland’s new First Minister, Humza Yousaf, set out his priorities for Scotland in an address to Parliament on 18 April.
The Building Safety (Registration of Higher-Risk Buildings and Review of Decisions) (England) Regulations 2023 opens a six-month period to register existing higher-risk buildings with the regulator.
Enabling local partners across health, care and housing to plan for the current and future needs is critical to supporting independent living and enabling people to continue to live well.
A letter sent to all council chief executives and section 151 officers on Friday 31 March confirms councils would be able to keep 100% of their receipts.
CIH's reaction to the Anti-social Behaviour Action Plan, focusing on the elements relating to housing.
An overview of CIH's response to the publication of the technical consultation with a focus on the elements which are most pertinent to housing, in particular the delivery of affordable housing.
The latest edition of the UK Housing Review is published - a key resource for housing professionals, leaders and policymakers across the public and private housing sectors throughout the UK.
Download the Good Practice Compendium to find out more about this year's nominees and winners.
Published today the seventh CIH cost of living briefing document examines the latest research and highlights the disproportionate impact of the crisis on rural communities.
Further information on the financial support announced in the Spring Budget for heat network customers.
CIH responds to government announcements on the latest wave of funding to upgrade social homes and public buildings via the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund and Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme