CIH president, Jo Richardson has started advertising an exciting opportunity for a research assistant to join the Homeful project team.
DLUHC have announced plans for consultations on two key areas of housing rules, with the aim of giving victims and survivors of domestic abuse more choice on where they rebuild their lives.
Following the Government's release of the Levelling Up White Paper, CIH chief executive Gavin Smart shares his thoughts
Today’s decision by the First Minister to resign and collapse the Northern Ireland Executive could disrupt progress on housing, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Northern Ireland has warned.
CIH Scotland has launched a new guide setting out how landlords can ensure the right to adequate housing is realised for all tenants.
The Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland has announced its intention to review the existing qualification and training requirements for letting agencies.
CIH is delighted to announce Niall Sheridan, formerly of Choice Housing, as the new chairperson of the Northern Ireland advisory board
On Monday 10 January, Secretary of State Michael Gove made an announcement to House of Commons on building safety
Reinventing Homes is a new style programme looking at the impact that COVID-19 and the climate emergency have had on the housing industry and the homes we live in.
DLUHC have today (21 December 2021) announced a £316 million funding package to tackle homelessness.
CIH Cymru welcomes the Welsh Government's commitment in its 2022/23 draft budget with record levels of investment being targeted at delivering social housing.
Mae CIH Cymru yn croesawu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei chyllideb ddrafft ar gyfer 2022/23 gyda'r lefelau uchaf erioed o fuddsoddiad yn cael eu targedu at adeiladu tai cymdeithasol.
As the UK professional housing body, CIH can play a key role in helping to share learning and to equip housing professionals to deliver a quality service.
A joint report commissioned by the 'back the bill' campaign highlights the chance for Wales to push forward with a right to adequate housing.
Justin Cartwright, CIH Northern Ireland national director responds to plans to deliver more than 100,000 homes in Northern Ireland over the next 15 years.