Read CIH's full submission to the PAC supported housing inquiry
At CIH, we value the development of new consumer standards in consultation with landlords and tenants.
The aim for these standards is to make a meaningful difference for tenants, as well as being deliverable by landlords and able to be regulated, and of a consistent set of outcome focused standards across housing association and local authority landlords.
After receiving Royal Assent on 26 October 2023, the Energy Act is the largest piece of primary legislation on energy in several years with the aim of transforming the UK’s energy system.
Discover everything you need to know.
Following the publication of the 2023 UK Housing Review earlier this year, this follow-up briefing provides additional commentary, analysis and updates on the pressing housing topics of the moment.
This member-exclusive briefing gives an overview of the proposed changes to homelessness and housing allocations in Wales.
Trosolwg o'r newidiadau arfaethedig i ddigartrefedd a dyraniadau tai yng Nghymru
CIH Scotland responds to the Scottish Government's consultation on proposals for rented sector reform
Sharing excellent practice and innovations from the Scotland Housing Awards 2023.
This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.
CIH Scotland responds to the Scottish Government's review of EPCs.
CIH Scotland responds to the Scottish Government's consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland.
Discover the findings of our EDI census from November 2022 to July 2023.
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