CIH Scotland's response to the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan
This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.
A sector snapshot report by the Chartered Institute of Housing’s (CIH) Housing Futures Cymru panel has highlighted the dramatic impact of the cost of living crisis on frontline housing professionals.
Mae adroddiad ciplun sector gan banel Dyfodol Tai Cymru y Sefydliad Tai Siartredig (CIH) wedi tynnu sylw at effaith ddramatig yr argyfwng costau byw ar weithwyr tai proffesiynol rheng flaen.
This new report from CIH Scotland and Scottish Women's Aid reviews domestic abuse policies from social landlords across Scotland.
The new portal for registering higher-risk buildings is now open. Find out everything you need to know to register, and be compliant, by the October 2023 deadline.
Released on 27 March 2023, this wide-ranging approach supports Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), local authorities and local partners have the tools to tackle ASB in their areas.
CIH's member briefing on the government’s blueprint for the future of energy in this country, which includes the Energy Security Plan and Net Zero Growth Plan.
CIH called for strong proactive consumer regulation and welcomes the focus on putting tenants at the heart of services that is encapsulated in the social housing white paper.
An update to your guide to the 14 clauses of the Support Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill alongside the background, context, detail of the Bill and CIH's response.
This briefing provides an overview of the technical consultation document with a focus on the elements which are most pertinent to housing, in particular the delivery of affordable housing.
The 2023 edition of the sector's leading statistical publication is now available.
If you're not a member and would like to access a PDF copy of the UK Housing Review 2023, you can purchase this from the CIH Bookshop.
The executive summary brings together the key points from the contemporary issues and commentary chapters of the UK Housing Review 2023.
Sharing excellent practice and innovations from the All-Ireland Housing Awards 2023.
This cost of living briefing provides the latest research and data available and examines the disproportionate impact of the crisis on rural communities.
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