An updated version of our factsheet on steps to take in supported housing to ensure the welfare of residents during the pandemic.
The Scottish Parliament passed the Domestic Abuse (Protection) (Scotland) Bill on 17 March 2021. This member briefing summarises the main aspects of the Bill.
CIH has responded to the online questionnaire from MHCLG. The PDF covers all the answers given in answering the questions.
The Scottish Government has launched its new strategy on the long-term future of the housing sector, setting out its priorities for Housing to 2040. This member briefing summarises the main proposals.
Read the detail of CIH Northern Ireland's consultation response to the Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework 2021.
Read the detail of CIH Northern Ireland's consultation response to the Programme for Government draft Outcomes Framework 2021.
This is a response to the consultation carried by the Northern Ireland Executive on the draft outcomes framework for the programme for government. Topics covered include:
This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.
An update to the Factsheet from the Coronavirus series, following the 2021 Budget announcement.
CIH Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on proposals to introduce new standards for heating systems in new homes from 2024.
The UK Internal market act could have a wide range of implications for trade between UK nations. Get the latest insight on the implication in this briefing by the Institute for Government.
Community Housing Cymru, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and Chartered Institute of Housing commissioned the Institute for Government to provide a briefing to outline the impact of the final act on the devolved settlement, with an exploration of some of the types of issues that could be affected, including construction.
This member briefing summarises the recommendations of Scotland's Prevention Review Group which was established to consider options to introduce legal duties for local authorities or other public bodies to prevent homelessness.
Our factsheet on protection from eviction has been updated to take account of recent developments.
Read the detail of CIH North Ireland's response to draft 2021-22 budget proposals by the Department of Finance.
This is a response to the consultation by the Department of Finance on the 21-22 Draft Budget by CIH Northern Ireland. In our response to the consultation, CIH Northern Ireland made clear its firm view that social justice should be at the heart of the 21/22 budget, by ensuring funding is appropriately targeted at those sectors and groups in greatest need.
CIH Scotland responds to a call for views on the Scottish Government's National planning framework 4 position statement
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