Information on delivering a repairs and maintenance service during the Coronavirus pandemic, and how to keep staff and tenants safe while doing so.
A look at how landlords can support vulnerable tenants affected by COVID-19, hospital discharge, and working with partner organisations.
This good practice note outlines practical considerations to enable lettings and empty homes management to continue where possible.
Guidance on management of day centres, hostels, and temporary accommodation during the Coronavirus pandemic.
CIH sets out its Budget submission, outlining areas where investment in housing would benefit most.
The submission outlines how investing in housing can boost the post-Covid economy by building new homes, meeting new building safety requirements, achieve net zero carbon, help with housing costs, meet support needs, and end homelessness
The submission outlines the nation's housing need and the role that devolution could play in meeting the need for affordale housing across England.
Introducing radical changes to the building safety regime in Wales, get all the essential information about what the White Paper proposals include.
The new Climate Change Act commenced in March 2020 introduced new interim targets and a commitment for Scotland to reach net zero emissions by 2045.
This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.
Get all the analysis on Welsh Government's draft budget in one place along with details on the specific announcements that impact housing professionals and services in Wales.
CIH Cymru responds to the Welsh Government consultation on the long-term plan to tackle fuel poverty.
See what Housing Futures Cymru, a group of new/young housing professionals think the next Welsh Government needs to do in addressing the housing crisis.
Gweler beth mae Dyfodol Tai Cymru, grŵp of weithwyr tai proffesiynol newydd/ifainc yn credu dylai llywodraeth nesa yng Nghymru gwneud wrth geisio datrys yr argyfwng tai.
Response to the MHCLG consultation outlining CIH's support for raising standards of accessibility in new homes and the preferred methods for enforcing standards.
CIH welcomes the opportunity to respond to MHCLG’s consultation paper; new model for shared ownership: technical consultation.
Please read our detailed response to MHCLG's technical consultation: a new model for shared ownership
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