A depleted post-pandemic workforce caused 56,000-home landlord Home Group to rethink its approach to recruitment. It hasn’t looked back since, as Katherine Hernandez explains.
For social housing residents, the language applied to us can either be used to celebrate or denigrate, and all too often it is the latter, writes Michael Verrier.
What insights can we glean from the ocean of social housing financial data? With help from data experts Housemark, and with a particular focus on Scotland, we sought to find out.
Alma Sheren talks with Susan Aktemel, founder and director of pioneering Glasgow-based social enterprise Homes for Good, about how it is bridging the gap for those trapped in the no-man’s-land between social housing eligibility and private renting.
Liam Turner talks with Pickering and Ferens’ home services director, Richard Walker, about how they’re building on their impressive Tenant Satisfaction Measures results.
We conducted a comprehensive survey among both CIH NI members and non-members; the insights have proven invaluable in shaping a bespoke programme that addresses the needs of the housing sector in NI.
Branwen Evans offers insight into Places for People's unwavering commitment to sustainability.
Alma Sheren explores the use of geospatial technology in housing and the built environment.
Claire Donovan explains how End Furniture Poverty is working with landlords across the UK to lift tenants out of furniture poverty.
Longstanding shared ownership challenges must be addressed — and that’s exactly what the new Shared Ownership Code is designed to do, writes Ann Santry.
All the key takeaways from CIH's South West 2025 conference in Bristol.
Read a blog from governing board chair, John Hannigan, on his first board meeting as chair since taking over. An update for members.
Lorna Wilson explains how Barrhead Housing is delivering on its goal to build a fair and climate-friendly future.
LGBT+ History Month is a time to educate, remember, and inspire, writes Daniel Revell-Wiseman.
Jackie Roach, account delivery manager at social housing procurement specialists Procure Plus, outlines some of the key opportunities and challenges of the new Procurement Act.