24 Jun 2022

Becoming a housing professional

You currently work as a business support manager at Willow Tree Partnership - can you tell me a bit more about how you came into the housing sector and your career path to date?

Prior to joining what was South Western Housing Society, business was always the career route I wanted to go down. Although the opportunity to go to university was there, I knew I wanted to learn in a more ‘hands on’ way, whilst at the same time earning money. For months, I was applying for every apprenticeship in the field that came up but unfortunately being in a rural area of Somerset, options were limited.

I applied for the business support apprenticeship position at South Western Housing Society in 2018 and was lucky enough to be offered the role. I have to be honest - until I had done my research prior to the interview I wasn’t entirely sure what social housing was or who it was for. Nevertheless, oh my goodness, what an amazing sector to not only be a part of but one where opportunities are thriving! 

In 2019, I was offered an opportunity with South Western Housing Society to stay on permanently as a business support administrator where I could carry out a further Level 3 qualification in Business and Leadership via a distance-learning course.

In June 2020 as an organisation, we became a part of a strategic partnership with Tamar Housing Society, forming Willow Tree Housing Partnership. As part of this change, we undertook a restructure across the organisation which led to the business support team expanding. A position was advertised for a senior business support administrator to lead and guide the team. I decided to use the skills and knowledge I had gained over the last two years and go for the position. In April 2021 the aligned restructure across both entities came into effect and so did my new position as senior. I could not believe my luck, but the saying rings true – hard work really does pay off and when you enjoy a job, you never work a day in your life.

In January 2022, the decision was made that my senior role would be altered again – which meant my role now is the business support manager for Willow Tree Housing Partnership. I am lucky enough to manage a team of four business support administrators across our Rooksbridge and Plymouth offices. The skills and knowledge I have obtained over the last four years help me to lead our team to success and provide important service to our residents.

Could you tell me a bit more about your job, including what responsibilities you have in your role and in your team and a bit about your employer?

Business support is crucial to our organisation and is a function I feel so passionately about. The key is in the word support; we not only provide administrative aid to our colleagues throughout the various departments, but we are also the main point of contact for all our residents, no matter the enquiry. Every day is a different, you never know what you’re going to get, but that is what makes housing so special. It’s  varied, it’s fun and most importantly, it’s rewarding because you are always providing help in some way.

 As part of your professional development you’re completing a CIH qualification. Could you explain a bit more about the qualification and, what you learnt and why you felt it was important to become a CIH member?

When I first joined South Western Housing Society, I did not know the full extent of what social housing was and how it benefited people. Becoming a student member of the Chartered Institute of Housing really helped develop my understanding around the sector and provided a great support to my professional career. Being a member of the CIH enables you to be part of a community where information across the sector is shared with you.

Working in social housing means you have a duty of care to those that you house therefore following government legislations is crucial. CIH really helps you keep up to date with any new information that affects our organisation and the sector as a whole.

What knowledge, skills and behaviours do you think are important for working in a business support role?

Professionalism is the foundation of business support and the service and attitude that we portray. First impressions last, therefore as an organisation, it is crucial that we empathise with the residents’ situations, so they feel valued and listened too. Every enquiry, every challenge provides the opportunity to learn from one experience and apply it to the next.

A positive attitude is something I always try to demonstrate within my team to encourage them to think about new ways of working or how we can improve. A positive attitude can increase productivity and help leave that lasting impression.

And finally what would you say to someone considering a career in housing, or who may be reading this and not yet thought of working in the housing sector as a possible career choice?   

If you know what you want to do and how to get there, that’s fantastic, but to the majority of you that aren’t quite sure, I think it’s important to remember that you don’t have to know! I didn’t, and now I work for an organisation that I adore! I get to do a job that brings so much joy and reward to my life. Willow Tree Housing Partnership is an organisation I am proud to be a part of.

Anyone thinking about progressing with a career in the housing sector – please do it! The opportunities are endless, the satisfaction is rewarding and the support is impeccable. Just look at my story – I am 24 years old and have achieved so much already. I never lost sight of my goal, to continue to learn, to continue to grow but most importantly, to continue to love what I do and why I do it.