07 Oct 2024

Meet a mentor: Jessica Wood

In our latest blog we meet Jessica Wood, area housing manager at St Leger Homes of Doncaster and one of CIH’s volunteer mentors. We ask her about her career history and what her tips are for succeeding in the housing sector.

How long have you worked in the housing sector?

I joined the housing sector in 2006, so will having been working in the sector for 18 years this October.

What was your first role within the sector?

My first role was as a modern apprentice supporting the executive management team. During this role I started to learn how much the sector really does. I knew from this point I wanted to explore the housing management side of the sector.

Why did you choose a career in housing?

Although I fell into the sector due to opportunity, I wouldn’t change that. The sector is a great place to support people and families to live in safe and secure neighbourhoods. I love the work I do daily and continue to meet great people along the way.

Did you have a role model or motivator when you started out?

I have always had great managers and motivators and the organisation I work for is always encouraging personal development. I think the main motivator for me was I wanted to be out in the community helping people. I loved my role as housing officer where I supported and worked with many tenants and residents for 10 years.

What was the best piece of advice you received throughout your career?

Put yourself out there, volunteer and be seen. This is not only to meet new people and seize new opportunities but is the perfect way to learn and grow within the sector.

What was the most challenging situation you found yourself in?

We deal with so many vulnerable people there can be very challenging situations. One example was when I was supporting an individual who found themselves in a situation of financial abuse, but who thought their abuser was a friend. It’s amazing how the sector, through great partnership working and collaboration, turn situations like this into positive ones.

Why did you sign up to CIH mentor programme?

I thought it was a great opportunity to meet new people and to share my knowledge and experiences. For my own progression I wanted to be able to speak to someone in a safe space about my goals and obstructions I felt were in the way. My first mentor provided amazing support and guidance, which I am certain contributed to me being successful in promotion within the sector. I am now a mentor to others helping to pass on my knowledge to others coming through the sector.

What would you say are your areas of expertise?

My expertise lies within housing management, ASB, tenancy changes, support needs, estate management… the list is endless. I feel I have great experience to share on following your goals and achieving these.

What are your top tips for succeeding in the sector?

It’s about separating the people, from the place. The sector is about supporting tenants and residents to thrive within their communities. You have to be patient, understanding and realise our customers are people and deserve the best service. If you want to support and improve people’s lives, the housing sector is the perfect place to be. Everyone you meet shares the same goals of continuous improvement for our communities and puts the customer at the heart of what we do.

Why should someone sign up to be a mentee or a mentor?

 It’s a great way to meet new people, share knowledge and experiences. It’s also the perfect opportunity to discuss ideas with your mentor, on where you see yourself heading in the sector and how they can help you achieve your goals.  Sometimes it can be hard to hold these conversations with your own peers / managers but using the mentoring platform you have a safe space and someone who has put themselves forward to offer this kind of support.

If you want to learn more about joining the CIH mentoring program visit our website page here.

Find out more about mentoring