21 Apr 2023

Mentor spotlight - Elizabeth Martin

In this new series by CIH Northern Ireland, we're sitting down with some of our mentors to discover more about them.

Mentoring is widely recognised as one of the most effective ways in which you can develop. Our mentoring programme is designed to support you in your career to help identify relevant development opportunities. Set goals and objectives, build confidence, gain knowledge, learn new skills and build strong relationships with other professionals.

Today, we're sitting down with Elizabeth Martin, retired housing manager.

How long have you worked in the housing sector?

38 years

What was your first role within the housing sector?

Housing management trainee

Why have you chosen a career in the housing sector?

The NIHE was in its infancy, and I wanted to be able to influence how public housing was allocated and managed.

What was the best piece of advice you received throughout your career to date?

There are two.

  • Never use a paragraph when a sentence would do.
  • It doesn’t matter how someone does a task as long as they achieve the right outcome.

What was the most challenging situation you found yourself in throughout your career to date?

Housing throws up challenges every day and couldn’t single out one single challenge.

Why did you sign up to CIH mentor programme?

I felt the experience I had gained throughout my career in housing would be useful to those developing in their careers. I have a knowledge of housing policies and skills of encouraging and motivating which I wanted to share. I feel it is important to develop the next generation of housing professionals and mentoring is a useful way of doing this.

What would you say are your areas of expertise?

Housing management and people skills.

What are your top tips for succeeding in the housing sector?

  • Listen to customers
  • Admit your mistakes and learn.
  • There’s always something new to learn.

Where if you could live anywhere in the world, would you choose and why

As long as there is sea and sun, I would be happy!