08 Mar 2023 | Career development

Housing is a great place to work

For National Careers Week, Trish Harrington Cert CIH, Abri, and vice chair of CIH professional standards committee, shares her passion for housing and being part of our CIH community.

08 Mar 2023 | Career development

My career in housing and the importance of professionalism

Continuing our support of National Careers Week we chat with Brendan Morrissey CIHCM, assistant director of customer and communities, Clanmil Housing Group on his career in housing.

03 Mar 2023 | Career development | Cost of living | Tenants and residents

Building confidence and skills for the future with Phoenix

17-year-old Phoenix resident. Michael Frimpong shares how becoming part of the organisation's Youth Council has built skills and brought attention to issues impacting young people in the community.

03 Mar 2023 | Career development

Becoming your best self with mentoring

In celebration of National Careers Week, CIH regional manager Jill Allcoat chats with Lisa Ratcliffe, performance analyst from Aspire Housing to discuss how mentoring can unlock potential.

02 Mar 2023 | Homelessness

Homelessness statistics should shock and shame the government into action

Hannah Keilloh discusses why the two sets of homelessness statistics released this week must be taken seriously.

28 Feb 2023 | About CIH | Career development

Where next for housing education in Scotland?

In this new blog Callum Chomczuk, national director at CIH Scotland considers the future of professionalism for the housing sector in Scotland.

22 Feb 2023 | Equality, diversity and inclusion

The experiences of LGBTQ+ people must sit at the heart of the action we take

Steve Hayes explains why you can’t be what you can’t see it is the role of all organisations to do everything they can to tackle lingering prejudice

20 Feb 2023 | Equality, diversity and inclusion

Space to be proud 20 years on from Section 28

This LGBTQ+ history month, Rosie Hazeldine reflects on those who fearlessly protested Section 28, and gives advice on creating an inclusive culture in the office.

16 Feb 2023 | Career development | Digital | Tenants and residents

Improving digital skills with Phoenix

Phoenix Community Housing resident, Cleo Akbulut shares more about supporting residents in improving their digital skills after getting involved with their digital drop-in service.

15 Feb 2023 | Affordability and benefits | Homelessness | Tenants and residents

Do the Renters Reform proposals do enough to make the private rented sector fit for the 21st century?

Sam Lister examines what's next for the private rented sector following the publication of the latest Levelling Up Committee's report.

14 Feb 2023 | Equality, diversity and inclusion

Looking forward to a day when all love is equal

Hannah Harvey is looking forward to a day when all love is equal.

13 Feb 2023 | Equality, diversity and inclusion

The fear of offending

This #InMyShoes blog by Pamela Leonce explores if the fear of offending is hampering diversity in housing. Discussing the simple changes we can make to be more racially aware and inclusive.

13 Feb 2023 | Affordability and benefits | Health | Homelessness | Tenants and residents

The ticking time bomb of temporary accommodation on a generation of children’s mental health

Hannah Keilloh provides a detailed analysis temporary accommodation examining the specific impact on children's mental health.

09 Feb 2023 | Equality, diversity and inclusion

This is how we live our lives, out

Cat Halsan is proud to be part of making LGBT history this History Month.

02 Feb 2023 | Equality, diversity and inclusion

Creating safe housing for LGBTQI asylum seekers

This blog details the life changing difference LGBTQI safe housing makes for asylum seekers who are fleeing persecution.