03 Oct 2022 | About CIH

Housing industry awards

Chartered Institute of Housing chief executive Gavin Smart shares his thought on the debate around awards in the housing sector.

27 Sep 2022 | Climate and sustainability | Cost of living

Energy efficient homes will create a legacy, the energy cap won’t

This blog discusses why investing more to make new and existing homes smarter and more energy efficient is the most effective method of tackling fuel poverty and rising energy prices.

14 Sep 2022 | Health | Tenants and residents

Housing needs to be part of the conversation for people living with dementia

In this new blog for World Alzheimer's Day, CIH Scotland's policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell sets out why it's important to talk about housing and dementia.

13 Sep 2022 | Affordability and benefits | Building new homes | Climate and sustainability

Making housing sustainable for everyone

Callum Chomczuk, national director of CIH Scotland outlines some of the principles that should underpin a new sustainable housing standard for Scotland ahead of Scottish Housing Day on 14 September.

07 Sep 2022 | Cost of living

The help gap: directing residents to resources has become all of our jobs now

This blog examines how organisations can make sure their hardship funds and welfare support resources are effectively reaching the people that need it most, including harder to reach tenants.

07 Sep 2022 | Digital | Tenants and residents

Digital switchover affecting housing association systems

Alertacall director Martin Cutbill shares more about his upcoming session at the CIH South West Conference and Exhibition focusing on the digital switchover.

06 Sep 2022 | Tenants and residents

Neighbours at war

May Millward, project officer with Scottish Mediation shares more about the service the organisation provides, alongside the benefits of mediation.

05 Sep 2022 | Building safety and housing management | Regulation and legal | Tenants and residents

A brave new world?

Michael Guest reflects on key learning points in the social housing sector since 1995.

02 Sep 2022 | Career development

Housing apprenticeships: cultivating the next generation of housing professionals

Justin Cartwright, National Director of CIH Northern Ireland, discusses the importance of creating education pathways to attract and retrain the next generation of housing professionals.

01 Sep 2022 | About CIH | Career development

Back to the future – reflections on housing professional membership

CIH fellow and Golden Lane Housng CEO John Verge looks back at his 25 years of CIH membership.

29 Aug 2022 | Homelessness

Making a difference with a person and pet centred approach to preventing homelessness

Hostels that don’t allow pets to stay with owners are missing out on supporting up to 25% of people experiencing homelessness, Streetvet’s accredited hostel scheme is making a pet friendly change.

26 Aug 2022 | Health

Making every decision about health and care a decision about housing

This examines the importance of partnership working in the health, social care, and housing sectors to create support designed around individuals’ needs to enable them to have a life, not a service.

26 Aug 2022 | Climate and sustainability | Cost of living

Rising energy prices: the urgent need for action

In this blog CIH policy and practice officer Annie Field discusses the urgent need for action to tackle rising energy prices and what social landlords can do support tenants.

25 Aug 2022 | Cost of living

Working together to tackle cost of living pressures

Paradigm’s Assistant Director of Strategy and Communications discusses how working in partnership with local Citizens Advice Bureaus is helping support tenants during the cost of living crisis.

25 Aug 2022 | Building safety and housing management | Regulation and legal

An insider's guide to recent fire safety management legislation changes

Jan Taranczuk, strategic housing advisor at Plumis and chartered CIH member, shares a summary of recent legislative changes that impact on day to day fire safety management for housing managers.