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27 March 2025


Virtual via Microsoft Teams


10:00 - 11:00

Unlock Insights, Ignite Ideas: Transforming Knowledge into Action

Join us for a discussion on housing for an ageing population

From the latest census, there is approximately 833,000 people over the age of 65 in Ireland, by 2057 this is purported to rise to 1.8 million people. The Age Friendly Ireland Shared Service has made significant progress over recent years in advancing the vision of delivering an age friendly Ireland. This vision is emphasised in the 2020 Programme for Government: Our Shared Future.

Following the establishment of age friendly alliances in every local authority, local strategies have been developed that are making a real difference to the lives of increasing numbers of older people.


Why attend?

  • Gain an insight into the approach local authorities are implementing in the delivery of age friendly housing
  • Learn more about government policy on age friendly housing
  • An opportunity to explore features of age friendly homes, universal design and best practice
  • Participate in the conversation – we encourage attendees to challenge, debate and share their own thoughts and insights

Your speakers

  • Trudi O Reilly - Age friendly technical advisor, Donegal County Council
  • Steve Loveland - Head of Clann Housing
  • Declan Gaffney - National technical programme manager, Age Friendly Ireland

Chair: Martin Conroy, Director of housing and care, Fold Housing

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Standard delegate rate Free N/A

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