Best housing development
Dunineany View, Ballycastle - Apex Housing Association
Award detail:
This award recognises developments that provide desirable and sustainable places to live, improving the lives of people within the community. The well-designed development will demonstrate creative approaches and excellence from concept to delivery.
Working in partnership
Housing and domestic abuse: An immersive training course - Housing Rights (North Down and Ards Women's Aid)
Award detail:
This award recognises collaboration between organisations or groups that achieves the best possible outcomes. We are looking for organisations that have worked collaboratively to improve service delivery across geographical boundaries, sectors or client groups to benefit the people who use their services.
Excellence in communication
Keeping Clanmil homes safe and comfortable: Condensation, damp and mould information campaign - Clanmil Housing Association
Award detail:
This award recognises landlords whose communication(s) with their tenants and residents has been outstanding over the past year, keeping them fully informed and supported.
Excellence in housing innovation
Boxing classes are a big hit for Clanmil customers - Clanmil Housing Association
Award detail:
This award is aimed at programmes or projects which can clearly demonstrate how they have developed an innovative approach which has made a real difference to the lives of tenants and customers.
Community champions
Empowering communities to thrive, flourish and succeed - Woven Housing Association
Award detail:
This award recognises organisations, that champion diversity and foster inclusive, cohesive communities.
Striving for sustainability
Improving warmth and wellbeing at Cardy Rock Court - Co-operative Housing Ireland
Award detail:
This award celebrates organisations that are progressing successfully to achieve their sustainability goals. By recognising efforts like striving closer for net zero targets, adopting renewable energy, and practicing sustainable asset management, this award highlights the importance of environmental responsibility and social impact.
Beyond housing
Radius Tenant Engagement Team - Radius Housing
Award detail:
This award recognises organisations or projects that have demonstrated commitment to tenant involvement, to help improve services or neighbourhoods.
Professionalism in the workplace
A tailored approach to employee development - Choice Housing
Housing Workforce Development Team - Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Award detail:
This award aims to recognise and celebrate organisations that demonstrate an exceptional commitment to the career development and professional growth of their employees.
Young professional of the year
Beth Scanlon - Co-operative Housing Ireland
Award detail:
This award category showcases the rising stars of the housing sector who have been working in the industry for three years or under.
Housing hero (tenant award)
Elishia Mullan - Clanmil Housing Association
Award detail:
This award acknowledges the exceptional tenants who have demonstrated innovative approaches to addressing housing challenges within their communities.
Housing professional of the year
Lily Winton - Ark Housing
Grainne Robinson - Woven Housing Association
Award detail:
This award honours individuals of the housing sector who have demonstrated exceptional commitment, innovation, and effectiveness in their roles. This is an award tailored for housing professionals who have gone above and beyond in their commitments to the housing sector.
Learner of the year
Emma Thompson - Choice Housing
Award detail:
This award honours individuals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their professional development through their engagement with CIH training, qualifications, apprenticeships, and continuous professional development (CPD) opportunities.