Accommodation at the event

Members only accommodation link coming soon.

Getting to the event

More information coming soon.


More information coming soon.

Bristol's clean air zone

Bristol has an active clean air zone in place. Check if your vehicle will be charged to drive within Bristol's clean air zone by using Bristol Council's online tool.

Find out more

Event values

Our CIH events are built for our members, with content centred around current issues and inner workings of the sector. We would ask all individuals who attend our CIH event to be kind to all, act with integrity and respect, maintain a professional demeanour, and be accountable and responsible during your time with us.

Making this event more sustainable

We believe we have a responsibly to be more sustainable across our organisation and this means making positive changes to the way we run our events. This event will be delivered to the highest quality whilst we also ensure they reduce our environmental impact.

Here is a summary of some of the steps we are taking to do this:

  • Sourcing venues that align with our sustainability pledge
  • All lanyards and badges we provide to attendees will be sustainable
  • Reducing our event printing – we have already started this by no longer printing our event guides. We’re making sure all necessary information is available digitally on our new website
  • Where printing is necessary, sustainable and recyclable materials will be used as much as possible
  • Catering will be responsibly sourced and in recyclable packaging
  • Water coolers will be provided so delegates can refill their own reusable bottles
  • Ensuring our suppliers are using recyclable materials where possible
  • All CIH staff will aim to minimise carbon footprint for each journey, and we will encourage our delegates, exhibitors and sponsors to do the same.
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