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09 December 2024


Virtual via Microsoft Teams


11:00 - 12:30

Organisation-wide change is required to address domestic abuse. Learn from those on that mission.

Making a Stand against domestic abuse goes beyond adjusting policies to remain compliant. For housing providers, this means sustained culture change, where domestic abuse is understood as a housing issue across the organisation.

Domestic abuse erodes a family’s capacity to live in safe home. Since CIH’s 2018 Make A Stand campaign the legislative environment has made strides via the Domestic Abuse Act (2021) and Social Housing Regulation Act (2023). Though welcome, policy change both nationally and organisationally is only one element of protecting residents and staff.

Attend this webinar to hear from practitioners about approaches to tackling domestic abuse and explore how organisational procedure and practice reflection leads to lasting positive outcomes for residents.

  • Alison Inman - TPAS chair and former CIH president (chair)
  • Nicki Clarke - Senior housing manager, Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA)
  • Yoric Irving-Clarke - External affairs manager, Midland Heart

  • Ian Swift - Director of housing operations, Islington council

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