Important information

If this is the first time you have tried to login on to CIH's website, please follow the instructions below.

If you've previously created your account on My CIH but you are having issues logging in, please call us on 024 7685 1700 or email and our membership services team will help you get logged in.

How to create an account

Please follow the steps below or take a few minutes to watch our video which explains how to log in.

  1. Click ‘Log in’ top right of our website or click this link to take you to the log in page.

  2. Click ‘Sign up now’ under the big blue sign in button – don’t complete any fields at this stage

  3. Enter your email address, ensuring it’s the email we would have on our system for you

  4. Click 'Send verification code'

  5. Check your email inbox for an email with your verification code (check your spam/junk email just in case)

  6. Copy the verification code in the email

  7. Head back to our website, and enter or paste the verification code into the box

  8. Click the 'Verify code' button

  9. Once the verification code has been complete, you can continue to create a password and complete the rest of the form including 'First Name', 'Last Name' and 'Preferred Name' fields

  10. Click the 'Create' button

  11. You will then be able to access your account.

Go to login


Still having difficulties?

Please call us on 024 7685 1700 or email and our membership services team will help you get logged in.