Dates Times
16 October 2025 10:00 - 16:00
26 March 2026 10:00 - 16:00
£235 +VAT
£375 +VAT

In this online training course, you’ll explore the critical elements of Trauma-informed Care (TIC) and Psychologically informed Environments (PIE). You will use practical examples to deepen your understanding of achieving better outcomes for service users.

What will I learn?

In this online training course, you’ll explore:

  • An introduction to Psychologically informed Environments (PIE)
  • Practical suggestions as to how teams can build on their strengths and develop their services
  • The role of environmental design, agile working and communication skills
  • How the people using our services often display challenging behaviour
  • How by applying PIE and Trauma-informed Care (TIC), we can achieve better outcomes for the services users
  • How we can also increase the well-being of the people who work with them

By the end of this training, you will have:

  • Explored what is meant by complex trauma and how we inform and respond to its impact on our work
  • Considered the benefits of using trauma-informed practice to establish a shared understanding/ response amongst staff
  • Looked at the five principles of PIE and considered how the principles could be applied effectively in your workplace
  • Understood the importance of tailoring the underlining principle of trauma-informed care (TIC) to the unique element of the services you provide as well as learning from the best practices of others
  • Recognised where in your team your strengths are and how to build on skills, knowledge and practice to establish a Psychologically Informed Environment
  • Explored what is meant by reflective learning practice within teams and how we incorporate this into the service
  • Considered several psychologically informed models that can be viewed and used by teams within the workplace
  • Reflected on the compassion, resilience and peer support amongst teams and how we enable this to happen effectively

Who should attend?

This course is beneficial for housing managers, team leaders in housing, and frontline housing staff.

You must understand the theory and practical application of PIE and TIC so you can apply them to your work environment. This course will enable teams to tailor their services to use and adapt those principles to their teams and their service delivery. 

Please note: The content of this course is predominantly England based; however, if you require Scotland, Welsh or Northern Ireland content, we can accommodate this. When booking your place, please let us know in the learning needs box on your booking, and we'll be in touch to discuss.

Benefits of attending

Here at CIH, we want to provide everyone in housing with the skills and knowledge needed to keep up with the ever-changing environment. Our online training has been developed by expert professionals on critical topics and allows you to apply the learning to your day job.

Meet your trainer

Pauline Haynes

Pauline started her career in the Social Housing Sector and has been a Training Consultant and Coach for 24 years, developing and delivering training programmes in the Social Housing Sector, NHS, Local Government, Children and Young Peoples Services, HMP the Probation Service.

How to book your place

You can book your place by selecting 'Pay now' at the top of this page and completing our online application form. You will need to sign in or create a 'My CIH' account. You can find instructions below.

Before booking, please ensure you have your payment details to hand, and a PO number if your organisation is paying for your training.

Creating a My CIH account

To apply for this training course you will need to register for a My CIH account.

To create your account, visit My CIH page and click the 'Sign up now' link to follow the steps to create your account. You can read our step-by-step guide to creating an account.

If you already have a My CIH account, just follow the sign in by entering your email address and password as usual.

Are you having trouble logging in or creating your account? Please read our step-by-step guide or call our membership services team on 024 7685 1700 or email

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