On this course you will learn about air quality and why it matters, how ventilation really works and where it falls short and why. You will be introduced to the concept of ventilation performance and how this changes the narrative of what a good outcome means. And finally, discuss some of the principles of introducing ventilation strategies into your organisation.
The quality of the air we breathe is the single largest environmental risk we face, and a large portion of our lives are spent in our own homes.
The impact that ventilation and air quality has on our own health and the health and wellbeing of our families, tenants and communities is profound, and goes well beyond the headlines of damp and mould.
This is a foundation course, in plain English with zero jargon. This is not a lesson on becoming an installer, this a toolkit for holding those that do, to account.
From this training, you'll learn:
This course is beneficial for anyone working in an asset based role within housing associations, housing cooperatives, charities and other organisations. This is for anyone that is involved in housing and is designed for non-experts.
You will learn the language around air quality and ventilation to better prepare you for the conversation with supply chains, tenants and stakeholders.
You will develop a basic understanding of how ventilation works at a first principle level, and better understand when it might work, and not.
Importantly, you will reframe how you define a good outcome and understand the principles of ventilation performance.
Simon has over 20 years of experience within the housing, construction, and building services sector. Founder of Air Quality Matters, a consultancy that advises organisations on ventilation and air quality strategy across housing, retrofit, education, the workplace and more. He hosts the Air Quality Matters Podcast and speaks internationally on air quality and ventilation.
An Associate Member of The Institute of Environmental Science and Institute of Air Quality Management, he is chair of the Industry Advisory Committee for the International Energy Agency annexe 5 (AIVC), an expert advisor to the Irish government on ventilation during the pandemic, and he contributes to many other organisations including the UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings and advises on standards, education and best practices internationally.
You can book your place by selecting 'Pay now' at the top of this page and completing our online application form. You will need to sign in or create a 'My CIH' account. You can find instructions below.
Before booking, please ensure you have your payment details to hand, and a PO number if your organisation is paying for your training.
To apply for this training course you will need to register for a My CIH account.
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If you already have a My CIH account, just follow the sign in by entering your email address and password as usual.
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