Welsh Housing Awards 2024

Read all the shortlisted entries into this award category, excellence in tenant scrutiny, at the Welsh Housing Awards (WHA) 2024 and find out who won the award on the night.

This award recognises innovative approaches to engagement with tenants, enabling them to take a full and active role in the scrutiny of their landlord.

Winning project name

Scrutinising the flexi-way

Winning organisation


Statement of support

To ensure we maximise how we hear our customers voice, we offer four flexible ways for our customers to scrutinise our services: Scrutiny Panel, mystery shoppers, Question of the Month and Physical Adaptation Panel.

The scrutiny panel consists of six customers, two colleagues and two board members, meeting online on a quarterly basis, who act as the link between scrutiny and board to ensure we are putting our customers first. It has evolved over the years and works a little differently to many others.

Their main duties are:

  • To be an independent view of services
  • To ensure clarity of customer involvement
  • To encourage equality of opportunity and value diversity in all actions
  • To recommend service reviews where the panel determine that our performance is below an acceptable standard.

Challenge resolution and future opportunities are explored with the panel and feedback and ideas put forward, are then incorporated into the business strategic and operational plans.

Mystery shopping takes place online by customers listening to recorded calls (other methods of communication planned for October 2024) made to our customer services team. Customers answer a set of questions on how they feel the call was handled and give suggestions for improvement.

This flexible approach enables customers to take part at a time suitable to their needs and removes the need for intensive training. This takes place quarterly, and customers receive a £20 voucher as a thank you for their time. Recruitment is ongoing with customers able to join at any time, once they have completed the volunteer agreements covering confidentiality.

Results from the mystery shopping exercise are analysed and then fed into our continuous improvement approach for our customer services team development and wider organisation customer ethos.

The aim of our Question of the Month is to gain valuable customer insight by asking our customer’s 12 essential hot topic questions in a way that is quick and easy for the customer, enabling us to make informed decisions, especially when we are looking to change a service that directly affects our customers.

We randomly select 600 customers per month to take part, they receive an email with a link to share their thoughts on a specific topic using an online form. Customers are also able to take part through our Connect enewsletter and social media platforms.

The questions are chosen by colleagues from across the organisation, who have a particular area of customer insight interest, perhaps to inform a project during ideation or to review feedback on implementation. This ensures we are gaining customer voice and view to inform our plans and review how changes in our operations benefit, or not, our customers so we have a continuous lessons learnt approach.

The Physical Adaptation Panel aims to comprehensively reassess refused applications for physical adaptations in homes. We focus on identifying grounds for refusal, re-evaluating requirements, and providing tailored recommendations to address individual needs.

This process considers the applicant's current condition, accessibility challenges within the home, and the necessity of requested adaptations.

We held an introductory meeting where customers and colleagues collectively defined the purpose and objectives of the panel. Together we drafted the aims and purpose of the panel for review and feedback, ensuring alignment with customers' aspirations.

Sarah Hancock  |  head of assets at Hafod

“We’re delighted to be able to involve our customers in the decision-making process, as their first-hand experience offers us a new perspective, encouraging our team to think in new ways. Physical adaptations can make a big difference to people’s lives, and we’re grateful that our customers are so willing to give up their time to help others.”

Outcomes and achievements

The outcomes of customer involvement in our scrutiny process have been transformative, ensuring fairness, equality, and improved accessibility for all customers, giving our board assurance that our customer voice is being heard.

Scrutiny Panel adopting a new ‘Spotlight on’ session and changing to meet online, has enabled customers to be more informed about the topic and has increased the membership by three.

Mystery shoppers membership has increased by five this year, their feedback has helped to devise and monitor a set of customer services key performance indicator’s to ensure our customers are receiving an exemplary service.

Question of the Month identified key topics for our customers resulting in a targeted ‘In Your Community’ action plan visiting over 30 communities this summer.

Physical Adaptation Panel has carried out three reviews so far, with customer involvement driving the decisions to ensure our customers receive a fair and equal service from someone with experience of living in an adapted home.

These outcomes exemplify our commitment to excellence in scrutiny, demonstrating a clear, positive impact on both service delivery and customer empowerment. The initiatives are designed with sustainability in mind, ensuring that the benefits of their work will be felt for years to come.

Shortlisted entries