All-Ireland Housing Awards winner 2024

Outstanding contribution to housing

We asked the team at Simon Community NI why they nominated Jim Dennison for this award and what contributed to him winning this prestigious award.

Introduce us to Jim Dennison

Chief executive, Simon Community NI (January 2014 – present)

Jim has led Northern Ireland’s largest homelessness charity for ten years. During that time, he has driven significant change and transformation within the organisation. Leading the development and execution of two successive Strategic Plans (2014-2017 and 2018-2023), Jim has refocused the vision and objectives of Simon Community NI to centre around the vision of ending homelessness. With his direction, Simon Community has successfully implemented a range of new services, including an extensive floating support service in Co. Down for individuals with addiction problems, Housing First for Youth services in key areas, a strategic and innovative programme of property acquisition and development across Northern Ireland, and partnerships with housing associations for new accommodation sites. The establishment of the tenancy liaison team and a Tenancy Deposit Scheme further attests to Jim's commitment to preventing homelessness and enhancing accessibility to the private rented sector for clients.

Head of operations, Chartered Institute of Housing (February 2010 – January 2014)

In Jim's tenure as head of operations at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), his passion for driving positive change was evident in the strategic review and operational expansion. He led on the initiation and development of CIH’s work in the Republic of Ireland – in partnership with The Housing Agency - which paved the way for CIH’s greater presence, membership and impact on the island of Ireland. This not only aligns with the criteria for an outstanding ambassador for housing but also highlights the role Jim has played in putting housing on the map, contributing significantly to its recognition and importance.

Director of EU programmes, Northern Ireland Community Relations Council (November 2001 – February 2010)

During the tenure as director of EU programmes, Jim showcased an unparalleled commitment to fostering positive change by being responsible for the strategic investment of over £70 million in local communities. This commitment extended to addressing sectarian division in housing interface areas, further evidence of his commitment to driving change within the housing sector at a community level.

Education and professional memberships

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Regional and Local Development, Dublin Institute of Technology (1997)
  • BSSc (Hons) in Politics, Queen's University of Belfast (1994)
  • Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing (2014 - present).

Why was he nominated for the award?

We nominated Jim Dennison for the award, recognising his exceptional dedication and transformative impact on the housing sector in Northern Ireland and across the island of Ireland. Jim not only meets, but exceeds, the criteria - he has shown unwavering passion and commitment to housing issues throughout the island of Ireland, and has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to deliver transformational change on both an organisational and wider sector level.

Jim Dennison  |  Simon Community

"I am humbled and honoured to have been nominated for this award by my colleagues. Their recognition is truly humbling and greatly appreciated. Receiving this award at the ceremony was a delightful surprise, and I am sincerely grateful for the acknowledgment by my housing peers - people whom I admire and respect.”

What else has he achieved?

Under Jim Dennison's leadership, significant achievements have reshaped Northern Ireland's housing landscape. At Simon Community, his strategic vision resulted in innovative services, notably the Floating Support service and Housing First for Youth, leading to a substantial reduction in homelessness. The introduction of the tenancy liaison team and a Tenancy Deposit Scheme has provided stability and increased access to the private rented sector for numerous clients.

Jim's impact at CIH is evident in the development of five new courses, including those addressing homelessness and guiding landlords. His initiation of CIH's work in the Republic of Ireland has expanded the organisation's reach and impact.

At the Community Relations Council, Jim's strategic investments totalling over £70 million have played a crucial role in promoting community cohesion and addressing sectarian division in housing interface areas.

In summary, Jim Dennison's achievements have significantly advanced homelessness prevention, professional development, and community cohesion in Northern Ireland's housing sector, positively impacting countless lives and communities.