Here at CIH we have a well-established mentoring programme which is free for members to sign up to. Whether you decide to sign up as a mentee or a mentor there are benefits for everyone. We have outlined some of these advantages below for whichever path you are considering.

To the mentee

  1. Free for all members – as a CIH member you have free access to the mentoring platform online.
  2. Grow your connections with other members – by taking a mentor you can grow your connections in the sector, which could open you to new opportunities.
  3. Get one step closer to achieving your career goals – learning something new can help you with your ambitions.
  4. Build your confidence – meeting new people and sharing your knowledge with a mentor can help you build your confidence.
  5. Enhance your skills and knowledge – you’ll learn something new from a mentor.
  6. Make friends! – whilst meeting new mentors you may well pick up new friends in the sector.
  7. Add to your CPD – taking a mentor can count towards your CPD.
  8. Gain a wider understanding of different organisations – organisations run in different ways, this is a great way to gain ideas from others.
  9. Improve your interpersonal skills – social skills can be just as important as sector knowledge.
  10. Collaborative learning – sitting in a classroom doesn’t work for everyone so why not learn by talking with others.

To the mentor

  1. Develop leadership skills – taking on a mentee can help you develop your own leadership style.
  2. Add to your CPD – being a mentor can help add to your CPD.
  3. Free to all members – as a CIH member you have free access to the mentoring platform online.
  4. Grow your connections – by taking a mentee you can grow your connections in the sector.
  5. Build your confidence – meeting new people and sharing your knowledge with a mentee can help you build your confidence.
  6. Rewarding! – know that you are helping someone advance their career.
  7. Reflect on your own career and objectives – sometimes we don’t sit back and reflect on our own achievements and goals.
  8. Gain new perspectives – see things from a new angle through your mentee.
  9. Discover new ways of thinking – there’s more than one way of thinking and a mentee might help you view things differently.
  10. Become a CIH Fellow – forms part of the “significant contribution to the housing sector” required if you wish to become a CIH Fellow.


If you're still unsure why not catch up with our virtual event where we heard from past mentees and the host of our mentor platform to learn more about mentoring with CIH.

Sign up to our mentoring platform today