Welsh Housing Awards winner 2023

Excellence in housing innovation

Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council is committed to developing appropriate models of support for our young people, guided by our clear vision. As part of our corporate parenting strategy, we recognise the importance of establishing a robust tiered system of housing options to empower and enable our young people to achieve their full potential. In line with Section 79 of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014, we are dedicated to meeting our sufficiency duty and ensuring sufficient accommodation for all types of children who are looked after.

What did you do?

In 2020/21, MTCBC successfully obtained £1.1 million of ICF (Integrated Care Fund) funding to address the accommodation needs of 16-24 year olds in Merthyr Tydfil. The funding was allocated to refurbish a council-owned building located in the Gurnos estate, creating five units of one and two-bedroom self-contained accommodation. These units are specifically designed to cater to young people transitioning from foster care or corporate parenting residential care accommodation, as well as those in this age group presenting as homeless.

The chosen building, previously  known as a Neighbourhood Learning Centre (NLC), played a vital role in supporting unemployed youths and adults in accessing training programs aimed at enhancing their employability. It comprised of three buildings, offering a range of vocational training opportunities and experiential learning environments. The workshops include carpentry, plumbing, metal work and construction-style areas, a professional hair salon, and a ceramics workshop, among others. In order to create the self-contained flats, the approved capital scheme involved refurbishing one building (Block 2) and relocating existing workshops to the remaining buildings with minor adaptations. This strategic plan ensured that part of the learning centre remained operational and accessible to young people.

The integration of housing support and vocational training provides a unique opportunity for young individuals to have direct access to modern, safe housing while simultaneously benefiting from onsite training. This integrated approach enhances their social integration, reduces the risk of isolation, and discourages engagement in anti-social behaviours. By combining accommodation and support with vocational training opportunities, we are not only providing a place to live but also equipping young people with the skills and education necessary to pursue higher education or employment, thereby increasing their chances of long-term success.

Our project places a large emphasis on prevention and early intervention for young people aged 16-24 who have been in the care system. By intervening at this critical stage, we are proactively addressing their needs and increasing their chances of successful independence. The project supports our young people in meeting their aspirations by providing them with a stable and supportive housing environment, empowering them to achieve their goals. It also improves transitions between children's services and adult services, ensuring a seamless and continuous support system.

By furnishing the self-contained flats, we aim to provide our young people with the best possible start to their tenancies. This approach fosters a sense of ownership, belonging, and importance among the residents. By having access to essential physical items necessary for sustainable living, our young people can thrive and feel invested in their new homes. This, in turn, enhances their overall well-being, independence, and satisfaction with the housing services provided.

Before the development

After the development

What were the outcomes?

We have received positive feedback and testimonials from both residents and the organisations we have collaborated with, highlighting the impact of our housing and support services on their independence, well-being, and overall satisfaction. The project has also garnered recognition for its innovative approach to supporting young people's transition to independent living.

The works were completed at the end of December 2022 with five units of accommodation furnished and ready for occupation mid-January 2023. All five units of accommodation are now occupied and young people are receiving support to achieve their goals. The service will provide supported accommodation which is staffed 24 hours for young people with low-level support needs and young Care Leavers aged 16-24 in the County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil.

The support which the young people will receive is trauma informed and person centred and will work towards the young people’s individual aspirations and towards independent living. Support will include budgeting and finance, employment and training, wellbeing and life skills.

Young people will be supported to achieve their personal outcomes guided by the Housing Support Grant framework. Young people residing at Pen y Dre apartments are expected to achieve primary outcome three - people can access and sustain a settled home, “I have settled accommodation which meets my needs and is likely to last six months or more” as well as various secondary outcomes dependent on their personal aspirations.

Once the young people are ready to move on from Pen Y Dre, they will be supported in their next steps towards securing an independent tenancy, then through the process of moving to their new home and also while they settle in and establish themselves in their new home.

Read the impact of the development in these testimonials
Resident 1

"I came from care, this is the middle step between full independent living and care. It helps me to gain the skills I will need to live independently.

"I have been supported with my anxiety and to make and attend GP appointments. I have received support to attend college and moral support for completing course work. The staff have supported me to sort out my utility bills and given me advice about budgeting.

"Whilst living here I have developed new independent living skills, I didn’t used to have to sort out my recycling or put my own bins out but I am good at doing this now. I have gained confidence when speaking on the phone and learnt how to make phone calls myself. I didn’t used to have to do my own shopping but I have learnt how to do this online and budget to make sure I buy the items that I need.

"In the future I would like stability, I would like a good job that I enjoy, I would like to get to the point that I can move out and live independently and be able to support myself.

“Pen Y Dre is a very nice environment. I have a lot of friends around. I have been able to achieve some goals and I am working towards the other ones.”

Resident 2

"I was living with my auntie, but she has two disabled children and there was no longer enough space for me in the house. I became homeless and I was 'sofa surfing'.

"The staff at Pen Y Dre have supported me to set up my utility accounts, support to change my doctor to a more local surgery and supported me to apply for universal credit and attend appointments at the job centre.

"Since moving to Pen Y Dre, I have learnt to budget my money so that I am able to pay my own bills.

"My aspiration for the future is to gain qualifications within the beauty industry.

“The staff are really friendly, and they’ve helped me with my appointments that I cannot get to. I really enjoy living independently at Pen Y Dre.”

Resident 3

"I am 18 years old, I am doing a course in health and social care in college and I work for a charity in the care sector.

"I have been supported to learn the skills to become more independent, the staff have taught me to be more positive about myself and helped me to learn how to identify toxic relationships.

"In the future I would like to be a social worker.

“I like living here, I like the other people who live in the flats. All the staff know how to connect with the young people, they talk to us like we are ‘sound’. They know how to calm me down. They have helped me to work on myself and realise about toxic relationships.”

Resident 4

"Prior to living in Pen Y Dre, I lived in a care home in Pembrokeshire, as my family live in the area it was decided that I should return to Merthyr. I have accessed supported living so that I have the chance to build the skills needed for independent living. I have started to develop my relationship with my estranged family, and I have found them to be supportive of me.

"The support staff at Pen Y Dre have supported me to complete my weekly shopping, initially I received full support to do this but as I have become more confident and developed the skills needed, I now need less support with this task. I have received support to set up and manage my utility bills. I have received support to access training opportunities and apply for jobs. The staff provide me with emotional and moral support.

"My goals and aspirations include completing my CSCS card, getting a well paid job, buying a car and being able to buy nice things for my flat.

“It gives me a chance to see how adult life is in the ‘real world’. A chance to experience it.”

Resident 5

"I lived in another supported living accommodation prior to living at Pen Y Dre but when the opportunity arose to move here in January, I was happy to do so.

"I have received support to set up my utility accounts and my bills. I know that I can approach the staff at any time for support and they will provide it or be able to signpost me to the appropriate place. With staff support I have learnt how to make phone calls and how to approach people.

"Since moving to Pen Y Dre I have learnt to manage my finances better, I now pay my utility bills quarterly, whereas, I used to use 'pay as you go' in my previous tenancy. I have learnt how to manage a larger property.

"I will be start studying film at Cardiff University in September, it is a three-year course and on completion I will have achieved an honours degree. My dream is to one day become a film director – but I will be happy to work any job in film until that happens.

“This is the perfect place for someone within my age range to use to understand exactly what independent living is like.

“The support here is not overbearing.”