We are proud to be supporting board members and governance professionals through our Building Better Boards membership offer.

Since launching in July 2020, we have seen our board member network expand rapidly, and it is now one of the biggest and fastest-growing board communities in UK Housing.

Boards and governance teams play a critical role, and we want to ensure that we recognise boards as housing professionals, supporting them and equipping them through CIH membership.

Benefits of board membership

  • Access to a wide range of member-exclusive events and webinars. This includes a quarterly Building Better Boards event with a ‘state of the nation’ session with a CIH representative
  • Full access to the member exclusive CIH professional standards self-assessment tool, designed to support you in your role as a board member and a great resource to support appraisals and development programmes
  • Access to our fantastic mentoring platform allows you to network with a wide range of housing professionals and board members from across the housing sector
  • Bi-annual membership sessions and contact with your CIH regional/national engagement manager, designed to support members to get the most value from membership
  • The offer of a CIH representative to attend your board meeting (virtual) on an annual basis (by prior arrangement)
  • Full access to Housing Today as part of your membership
  • Member-only access to the Knowledge Hub gives you legislative oversight, best practices, and case studies
  • Regular CIH newsletters, Housing Matters, and regional newsletters
  • Access to event recordings covering a wide range of topics and previous Building Better Boards events

How does it work?

  • Membership covers up to 12 people per package
  • 12 month subscription
  • Instant access to all member benefits
  • Induction to membership for all board members
  • Annual progress review, with activity reviews on request
  • Exclusive updates direct to members.

Building Better Boards events

  • Participate in the conversation with our expert speakers – share your ideas and insight, challenge perceptions and join the debate.
  • Communicate with fellow governance professionals and board members and discover new innovative ways to guide your organisation.
  • Network and collaborate with other delegates and speakers in a relaxed setting.

View past event recordings

Chris Grose - Board member | Ocean Housing

Having the CIH membership as a board member gives board members a great insight to some of the issues that happen in the sector outside of your own bubble. Board members get updates as part of the membership and also a seat at the table at national and regional events.

Chris Grose Board Member

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our membership, we’d love to hear from you. You can email us, give us a call or submit an enquiry and we will be happy to help.

Corporate membership
Our corporate membership gives your organisation the opportunity to get unique access to all of our services, a raft of added value benefits, financial discounts and a wealth of experience and expertise.
Member benefits
Learn more about the benefits included in your CIH membership with everything from newsletters to resource libraries and free event and webinar attendance throughout the year.
Member benefits