17 Jun 2024

CIH analyses party manifesto pledges on housing

Now that most of the party manifestos have been published we’ve looked at what they say on housing. Members can download our-exclusive ‘what you need to know’ briefing which includes pledge headlines and our analysis, reflecting on how they stack up against our manifesto asks. 

Members can also watch back a webinar we ran with CEO Gavin Smart, director of research at Ipsos Ben Marshall and head of policy and external affairs Rachael Williamson.

Our headline assessment in summary on each of the main party commitments:

  • Conservative - A disappointing manifesto that does not address the scale of the housing challenge. Whilst we welcome a commitment to raise housebuilding ambitions and renew the affordable homes programme we need to see a long-term housing plan, with clear targets focussed on delivering more and better homes.
  • Labour - A strong set of pledges that address the scale of the housing challenge and set out the practical steps we’d been calling for. As always, we’ll need to see the detail (and the funding) but it’s good to see social housing given the focus it needs, alongside commitments on rental reform. More broadly, it’s good to see Labour recognising the climate crisis and placing action on this and housing at the heart of their plan for economic growth.
  • Liberal Democrat - An ambitious set of housing pledges which recognise the scale of ambition needed and reflect many of the asks we set out in our Homes at the Heart strategy, including on strengthening housing rights.
  • Green - An ambitious set of housing proposals, with a clear focus on providing more and better homes.
  • Reform - A questionable set of proposals that don’t appear to be based on established evidence. 

Download our 'what you need to know'