09 Oct 2024

CIH equality, diversity and inclusion census result 2024

The Chartered Institute of Housing is pleased to share its latest EDI census data as part of our ongoing commitment to improving equality, diversity and inclusion in our organisation, throughout our membership and across the housing sector.

As the UK’s biggest housing professional network, our EDI census data shows us what our membership looks like across the UK. It also allows us to see where our membership might not be representative of the wider population, so we can consider how we can make our membership - and more broadly access to the housing sector as a whole - more inclusive.

Key findings from the survey this year reveal that:

  • 63 per cent of our membership is female (compared to 51 per cent at population level)
  • 13 per cent of our membership is Global Majority* compared to an average 9 per cent at population level
  • 13.3 per cent of our members have a disability compared to 20.9 per cent at population level
  • 13 per cent of our membership is LGBTQIA+ compared to approximately 3 per cent at UK population level
  • Our membership is older than the general population. Our largest age group is 45-54 whereas the median age for the UK population is 40.7
  • 55.2 per cent of our members are married or in a civil partnership compared to 45 per cent at population level
  • 11 per cent of our membership speaks, reads or can write Cymraeg, Gaelic, Irish or Scots.

[* ​the term used to refer to all ethnic groups except white British and other white groups, including white minorities]

The 2024 EDI Census has been prepared from data collected from the launch of the census in 2022 up to and including 31 July 2024.

To date, 1,491 CIH members have completed the EDI census including 846 new completions of the census in 2024.

Ria Bailes, Managing Director of Bailes Partners Consulting, CIH trustee and governing board link to the new CIH EDI Board said: “We are delighted that so many CIH members have completed the survey in the last year. This reflects a greater awareness of the importance of EDI data in making us accountable but also how we are improving the way that we engage with our membership and reflect who we are. We can continue to build from this year’s EDI census report and from increasing engagement with our membership to maintain representation as a fundamental issue in the housing sector, ensuring that we reflect the needs of all those who contribute to and benefit from the work that we do.”

In addition to launching the EDI census report in 2022, CIH has reviewed and updated its Diversity Charter initially published in 2012 and signed up to an independent race equality code so that we are better employers and have a clear focus on race equality, EDI talent development and recruitment as core priorities in our organisation.

The EDI Group that was established in 2022 to steer our commitment to our equalities and diversity work has now been developed into a new EDI Board which will officially launch later this year.


Download the Equality, diversity and inclusion census result 2024

Download the Equality, diversity and inclusion census result 2023