08 Jul 2024

CIH International Housing Group study trip 2024

Lille, France 9 - 11 October 2024

Join CIH colleagues from across the country to visit a Housing First development and associated service in Lille, France and learn about the direct impact on rough sleeping and how Housing First is changing lives and life chances.

Rough sleeping in the UK has increased significantly in recent years (27 per cent in the last year), driven by unaffordable housing, an inadequate benefits system, and the cost of living crisis. Housing First turns the traditional model on its head, starting with the unconditional offer of a self-contained home and a wrap-around support offer.

Evidence from existing projects in the UK shows reduced costs (£1.56 in savings for every £1 invested) and better outcomes for people, including improved life expectancy. This has led to an increasing interest from policy makers and the government in the UK, and it could be an important part of the policy mix for solving rough sleeping in the UK.

In France, it has become one of the main policy options for rough sleeping. The French government launched a Housing First program in 2010 in Toulouse, Marseille, Lille and Paris. The "Un chez-Soi d'abord" project focusses on those sleeping rough (or at risk) with mental health, drug or alcohol issues by providing the client with their own home in the community and building support around this as an alternative to hostel provision.

The Lille model of Housing First has been adopted across the whole of France, and the CIH have been visiting at regular intervals across this journey.

As a CIH member, you are invited to join the CIH International Housing Group on a three day, two night study trip to Lille, France from 9 to 11 October. The aims of the trip are to:

  • Understand the approach to Housing First, and how it might be applied in a UK context.
  • Gain first hand experience of French housing and social challenges, French housing market and what drives housing and social policy, particularly related to rough sleeping and the impact of refugees and migrants.
  • Engage and network with UK colleagues and French housing professionals.
  • Support young CIH professionals in their professional development, with specific offer for CIH Futures members.

We are pleased the visit will be partnering Abej Solidarite, the leading provider of housing and support to people sleeping rough in Lille.

The trip is expected to cost £410 per person (based on a return Eurostar from London, and two nights hotel accommodation including breakfast in a double room). A £50 deposit is required to reserve your place. Options are available for those who wish to make their own arrangements to travel to Lille.

For CIH Futures members two bursaries of £250 are available to assist with costs.

If you’d like to know more and make an application, please use this form. You can also contact the group via MilesL@chisel.org.uk.

Deadline for applications and deposits is 6 September.

Apply for a Future's bursary

If you are a CIH Futures member, you are eligible to receive a financial bursary for this trip. There are two £250 bursaries available to support travel costs of the trip.

The trip is expected to cost £410 per person (based on a return Eurostar from London, and two nights hotel accommodation including breakfast in a double room). A £50 deposit is required to reserve your place. Options are available for those who wish to make their own arrangements to travel to Lille.

If you are interested in applying for the bursary support, please send a short covering letter setting out why you are interested in joining the CIH International Housing Group study trip. Please outline the skills, qualities and experience you have that could be enhanced by attending the trip.

Deadline for applications is the 19 July 2024.

Please note – valid CIH membership is essential.