03 Feb 2022

CIH responds to Levelling Up White Paper

On 2 February 2022, the levelling up secretary Michael Gove unveiled the government’s flagship Levelling Up White Paper, setting out a plan to transform the UK by spreading opportunity and prosperity to all parts of it.  

Responding to the White Paper, Gavin Smart, chief executive of Chartered Institute of Housing commented:

"The government is right to recognise the central role that housing has to play in their welcome commitment to level up places and communities across the country.

"It’s encouraging to see the Government recommit to previous announcements that recognise the need to increase the number of the most affordable social rented homes and the much greater focus on quality and redress for all tenants, irrespective of tenure. Everyone should have an affordable, safe and secure place to call home.

"We’re pleased to see Homes England’s role expanded to include a new focus on regeneration and the additional funding that will come with this. Social housing has a key role to play in levelling up but needs to be able to access funding to deliver on this agenda.

We also welcome the greater focus on data and transparency in measuring impact. We look forward to working with Government on the detail of how to turn some of these aspirations into reality."