17 Jan 2025
We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Environmental Audit Committee’s (EAC) important inquiry on environmental sustainability and housing growth.
CIH responded in detail to the government’s consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). To inform our response to that consultation, we undertook extensive engagement with our membership, and with partner organisations working in the housing, planning, and built environment sectors.
In what follows, we draw on the evidence collected as part of this engagement to respond to the inquiry questions. We have answered only those questions where we can provide an informed and evidence-based response, and would welcome the opportunity to provide further evidence to the committee on these matters.
Read the full response on the inquiry website: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/133059/pdf/
Visit parliament's website for more information on the inquiry.
For more information on our response please contact Matthew Scott, senior policy officer, matthew.scott@cih.org or Megan Hinch, senior policy officer, megan.hinch@cih.org.