29 Mar 2023

CIH response to the technical consultation on the Infrastructure Levy

On 17 March, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) published the technical consultation on the Infrastructure Levy. This consultation is seeking views on technical aspects of the design of the Infrastructure Levy and will run from 17 March to 9 June 2023.

Rachael Williamson, head of policy and external affairs commented on the consultation publication:

“As we’ve set out previously, we’re very concerned about the proposed replacement of Section 106 with the Infrastructure Levy in terms of the impact on affordable homes, particularly social rented homes.

“In its current form, the Infrastructure Levy risks a significant reduction in the delivery of affordable housing and homes for social rent through the planning system. We will be examining the proposals set out in the consultation in detail and taking member views.“

The consultation is a long, detailed, and technical document, seeking views on almost every aspect of how the new system would work. We have produced a member briefing providing a summary overview, with a focus on the consultation elements which are most pertinent to housing, in particular the delivery of affordable housing. The what you need to know guide is free to download for CIH members. Greater detail on the scope of the consultation can be found on the DLUHC consultation page.

CIH will be preparing a response to this consultation and are actively seeking our members views on this topic. Please get involved and share your views by emailing policyandpractice@cih.org.

We have set up a virtual roundtable discussion with two members of the DLUHC team working on the Infrastructure Levy. This will take place at midday on 27 April. Please email policyandpractice@cih.org to secure a place at this event.