15 May 2024

CIH Scotland reacts to the declaration of a national housing emergency

The Scottish Government has declared a national housing emergency in Scotland following a parliamentary debate led by the Labour Party. In doing so, the Scottish Government has acknowledged the challenges faced by the housing sector and cited budget cuts from the UK Government as a contributing factor. 

The national announcement follows on from five local authorities declaring housing emergencies in their area - Argyle and Bute Council, City of Edinburgh Council, Glasgow City Council, Fife Council and West Dunbartonshire Council. 

Commenting on the announcement, Callum Chomczuk, national director of CIH Scotland said: 

"Scotland is the midst of a housing emergency, and if reports are right, we are going to see the start of the political response we need.

"Back in March CIH Scotland declared its solidarity with the local authorities across Scotland that had declared a housing emergency. We called on the UK government to provide increased capital spending and for the Scottish Government to prioritise the building of affordable housing, including the front loading of affordable housing budget so social landlords can keep building.

"Since then the context has arguably gotten worse with two additional local authorities declaring housing emergencies and data showing that affordable housing supply approvals and starts are at 10 year lows.

“The declaration of a housing emergency is a start. But we need an emergency plan and funding for delivering the social homes Scotland needs to address our housing and homelessness emergency.”