26 Apr 2024

CIH Scotland responds to announcement on funding for housing

On 26 April Scotland's first minister Humza Yousaf announced that £80 million will be made available over two years to boost affordable housing supply through acquisitions. The funding is intended to reduce homelessness and follows a reduction to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme budget of nearly £200 million for 2024/25. 

Commenting on the announcement, CIH Scotland's national director, Callum Chomczuk said: 

“While any increase in funding for social and affordable housing is welcome, unfortunately the additional £80 million over two years for acquisitions does not go far enough.

“Scotland is in a housing emergency, with housing and homeless services at breaking point across the county and we need a clear plan from the government in how to address this.

“The most recent budget took £200 million out of this year’s affordable housing supply budget and that was before we had confirmation last month that affordable housing approvals and starts are at a 10 year low.

“We need the upcoming review of the Affordable Housing Supply Programme to provide clarity over how we fund the social and affordable homes Scotland needs.”