02 Sept 2022
Today, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities has issued a consultation to invite views from renters, landlords, councils and housing groups on introducing a new Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector.
Under the proposals, landlords would be legally bound to ensure their property meets a reasonable standard. (The social housing sector has been subject to a decent homes standard since 2001.) The introduction of a Decent Homes Standard in the private rented sector was first outlined in the government’s Fairer private rented sector white paper.
Responding to consultation Gavin Smart, Chartered Institute of Housing chief executive said:
"All renters should be able to live in decent, well-maintained homes. We welcome the commitment to introduce a new Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector as part of the government’s new deal for renters.
We look forward to reviewing the details set out in the consultation and discussing the proposals with our members."
The consultation will run for six weeks closing on 14 October. You can submit your views directly here. You can also email policyandpractice@cih.org