16 Dec 2022

Scottish Government budget announcement

The Scottish Budget 2023-24 was presented to the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 15 December setting out spending plans for the next financial year.

CIH Scotland director, Callum Chomczuk commented on the draft budget, stating:

“This budget risks stalling the real progress made over the last eight years in increasing the supply of affordable housing in Scotland and reducing housing need. In real terms the budget for ‘more homes’ is 70 per cent of the equivalent budget for 22/23 and that is without considering higher new building standards and probable limitations on social landlords setting their own rent levels post March 2023.

“As we approach the mid-point of the Parliament, we called for additional investment so completions could gather pace and the Scottish Government could meet its target of delivering 110,000 affordable homes and decarbonise existing stock by 2032.

“Instead, the budget for new affordable homes has been reduced by over £200m in real terms which makes the challenging target of 110,000 affordable homes target even more difficult. Indeed, given the understandable focus on the twin pressures of the climate emergency and the cost of living crisis, it is disappointing that the budget did not prioritise investment into one of the key areas that would support both these outcomes - building social housing”

Read the key points of the Scottish Government’s draft budget for 2023/24 and likely impact for the housing sector in Scotland in this new briefing exclusive to CIH members.