14 Jul 2022 | Regulation and legal

CIH provide evidence for the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill Committee

CIH provide oral and written evidence to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill Committee

12 Jul 2022 | Regulation and legal

Domestic Abuse Act 2021 statutory guidance published

CIH welcomes the broader definitions of domestic abuse the new statutory guidance provides to help increase awareness and support organisations to identify and respond to domestic abuse.

11 Jul 2022 | About CIH | Equality, diversity and inclusion

CIH continues partnership with the Housing Diversity Network

The partnership between HDN and CIH continues, providing discounted CIH membership to housing professionals taking part in HDN’s staff mentoring program.

29 Jun 2022 | Homelessness

A compendium of good practice for housing associations in preventing homelessness

The new compendium, created in partnership with National Housing Federation and Homes for Cathy, showcases innovative approaches to preventing homelessness.

28 Jun 2022 | Affordability and benefits | Building new homes | Building safety and housing management | Climate and sustainability | Cost of living | Digital | Equality, diversity and inclusion | Health | Homelessness | Planning | Regulation and legal | Tenants and residents

Reinventing Homes - the latest programme by CIH and ITN Business

Discover more about our latest news-style programme exploring how social housing providers across the country are rising to the housing challenges of today.

28 Jun 2022 | About CIH

CIH Scotland looking for new board appointments

CIH Scotland has today (28 June 2022) announced it is looking for three new members to join its Scotland Board.

27 Jun 2022 | About CIH

CIH and OMG to part ways in September 2023  

As the professional body for housing, our members and our membership offer are extremely important to us.

23 Jun 2022 | About CIH | Health | Homelessness

CIH NI Futures take on Slieve Binnian to support presidential campaign

As part of the Homeful campaign, Jo recently embarked on the 630-mile walk of the South West Coast to raise funds for End Youth Homelessness.

23 Jun 2022 | Health

CIH Scotland calls for greater recognition of housing’s role in the delivery of health and social care for older people

Responding to the Scottish Government's consultation on new health and social care strategy for older people, CIH Scotland calls for greater emphasis on the role of housing.

16 Jun 2022 | Regulation and legal | Tenants and residents

CIH welcomes new deal for renters

CIH welcome The Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper providing some of the largest changes to the private rented sector in 30 years

15 Jun 2022 | Affordability and benefits | Cost of living | Tenants and residents

CIH cost of living briefing series launched

New briefing series launched analysing how the cost of living crisis is impacting social housing tenants

14 Jun 2022 | Building safety and housing management

Five years on from Grenfell

Pausing for reflection five years on from the Grenfell Tower tragedy

08 Jun 2022 | Regulation and legal | Tenants and residents

Independent panel set up to help tackle poor-quality homes

Chartered Institute of Housing and National Housing Federation have set up an independent panel to make recommendations for change to improve stock.

08 Jun 2022 | About CIH | Building safety and housing management | Health | Regulation and legal | Tenants and residents

CIH responds to the Social Housing Regulation Bill

"At CIH, we would expect all social housing providers to ensure high quality living standards in their rented homes, with repairs carried out on time."

06 Jun 2022 | Health | Tenants and residents

CIH Scotland calls for more resources to deliver adaptations

The Scottish Government has consulted on revised draft guidance for the provision of community equipment and adaptations to replace guidance issued in 2009.