10 Mar 2022 | Building new homes | Climate and sustainability | Homelessness

Local government candidates urged to ‘Think Housing’

Ahead of the local government election in May, CIH Cymru calls on candidates to put the work of the housing sector at the forefront of their priorities.

10 Mar 2022 | Building new homes | Climate and sustainability | Homelessness

Annog ymgeiswyr llywodraeth leol i 'Feddwl am Dai'

Cyn yr etholiad llywodraeth leol ym mis Mai, mae CIH Cymru yn galw ar ymgeiswyr i roi gwaith y sector tai ar flaen eu blaenoriaethau.

10 Mar 2022

CIH joins End Fuel Poverty Coalition to call for urgent Government action on spiralling energy bills.

One in three households in Britain could be left facing fuel poverty if the Ukraine invasion pushes the average energy bill to £3,000 a year.

08 Mar 2022 | About CIH | Affordability and benefits | Tenants and residents

UK Housing Review 2022 shows England’s Right to Buy is a “strategic failure” and will exacerbate inequalities if left unchecked

New research revealed in the upcoming 2022 UK Housing Review has shed further light on the impact of the Right to Buy in England.

04 Mar 2022 | Affordability and benefits | Climate and sustainability | Tenants and residents

CIH calls for action on retrofitting homes in light of rising heating costs

Our members have raised the rising cost of living as one of the most pressing issues for tenants and communities.

01 Mar 2022 | Regulation and legal

CIH Scotland announces appointment of Indigo House to evaluate the impact of letting agent CPD

A review of existing qualifaication and CPD requirements for letting agents in Scotland has been commissioned anf will be carried out by Indigo House consultants.

25 Feb 2022 | Homelessness

2021 England Street Homelessness Snapshot published

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has published the annual rough sleeping snapshot.

24 Feb 2022 | About CIH | Affordability and benefits | Climate and sustainability

UK Housing Review 2022 shows faster progress is needed to tackle poor energy efficiency of older homes

The UK Housing Review 2022 reveals that lack of clear government strategies and insufficient financial incentives are undermining progress on decarbonisation in the residential sector.

24 Feb 2022 | Equality, diversity and inclusion | Homelessness | Regulation and legal

CIH co-signs letter to the Home Secretary regarding Parts 3 and 4 of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

Along with Shelter, Homeless Link and other housing and homelessness organisations, CIH has sent a letter to the Home Secretary regarding the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill (PCSC Bill).

23 Feb 2022 | Homelessness

CIH welcomes the scrapping of the Vagrancy Act

CIH are delighted that the Vagrancy Act will be repealed in the government’s new policing bill.

22 Feb 2022

Core homelessness rates are on the rise as impact of pandemic takes hold

The number of people experiencing homelessness in England is predicted to jump by a third by 2024.

17 Feb 2022 | About CIH | Affordability and benefits | Tenants and residents

UK Housing Review 2022 identifies worsening affordability gaps across most of the UK

We can reveal that this year’s upcoming UK Housing Review shows a clear rise in housing affordability pressures for most areas of the UK.

16 Feb 2022 | About CIH | Building safety and housing management | Tenants and residents

CIH responds to latest building safety announcements

We’re pleased to see that Government is looking at what more can be done to force those who profited from the building safety crisis (developers and manufacturers) to pay to make buildings safe.

15 Feb 2022 | About CIH | Homelessness

A big thank you to our Homeful research project sponsors

CIH president, Jo Richardson has started advertising an exciting opportunity for a research assistant to join the Homeful project team.

15 Feb 2022 | About CIH | Equality, diversity and inclusion | Health | Tenants and residents

CIH welcomes key announcements from DLUHC on domestic abuse

DLUHC have announced plans for consultations on two key areas of housing rules, with the aim of giving victims and survivors of domestic abuse more choice on where they rebuild their lives.