15 Mar 2024

All-Ireland Housing Awards 2024 winners announced

Download the Good Practice Compendium to find out more about this year's nominees and winners.

07 Mar 2024 | Building new homes | Building safety and housing management | Planning | Tenants and residents

Ymgysylltu cymunedol yn hanfodol i ddatblygu mwy o dai cymdeithasol yng Nghymru

Sicrhau nad yw’r cartrefi cymdeithasol a adeiladwn yn diwallu’r angen am dai yn unig, ond eu bod yn ddymunol i denantiaid a’r gymuned ehangach

07 Mar 2024 | Building new homes | Building safety and housing management | Planning | Tenants and residents

Community engagement vital to develop more social housing in Wales

Ensuring that the social homes we build don’t just meet housing need, but are desirable to tenants and the wider community

07 Mar 2024 | Climate and sustainability | Regulation and legal

CIH Scotland responds to key government consultations on net-zero

Consultations on new standards for energy efficiency and clean heat need to be underpinned by advice, information and financial support.

06 Mar 2024 | Regulation and legal

CIH reaction to Spring Budget

Read CIH's reaction to what the Spring Budget means for the housing sector.

06 Mar 2024

CIH NI responds to Department for Communities' Supporting People funding announcement

CIH NI national director Justin Cartwright welcomes the £3 million funding boost to the Supporting People programme.

05 Mar 2024

CIH Scotland to declare a ‘Housing Emergency’ at national conference

Callum Chomczuk, CIH Scotland national's director discusses why he has declared a housing emergency at Scotland's Housing Festival.

01 Mar 2024

Report shows lack of strategic direction in the private rented sector is fuelling Scotland’s housing crisis

The latest RRTP report by CIH Scotland and Fife Council looks at the barriers people face accessing the private rented sector and how to make it a viable option for those experiencing homelessness.

29 Feb 2024 | Homelessness

Homelessness statistics released paint an increasingly grim picture

A summary of today's homelessness statistics with CIH's reaction

28 Feb 2024

CIH Scotland reacts to housing cuts in the Scottish Budget

Read Callum Chomczuk's reaction to what the approved budget means for Scotland's housing sector.

27 Feb 2024 | Homelessness

CIH Scotland reacts to homelessness statistics

Ashley Campbell, policy and practice manager at CIH Scotland reacts to the latest homelessness statistics published today (27 February 2024).

27 Feb 2024 | Building new homes | Homelessness

Despite budget movement more investment still needed to tackle the housing crisis in Wales

CIH Cymru's analysis and response to the Welsh Government's final budget for 2024/25

20 Feb 2024 | Planning

CIH responds to planning reforms to tackle short term lets

Planning permission and a mandatory national register will be required for short term lets in proposed changes to planning rules.

19 Feb 2024 | Health

Scottish Government publishes dementia strategy delivery plan

The Scottish Government has published its first two-year dementia strategy delivery plan.

19 Feb 2024 | About CIH

CIH Scotland launches new Professionalism Commitment for housing providers

CIH Scotland has launched a new Housing Professionalism Commitment to encourage housing organisations to publicly demonstrate how they will support ongoing education and CPD..