20 Dec 2023

Say hello to the new leaders of CIH Futures

Find out how to get involved with CIH Futures and get to know a little bit more about Halisha Kaur, our new CIH Futures chair and Emma Gilbank vice chair.

19 Dec 2023

Disappointing budget could impact work to tackle homelessness in Wales

CIH Cymru's analysis and response to the Welsh Government's draft budget for 2024/25

19 Dec 2023

CIH reaction to the draft Scottish Budget 2024 to 2025

Read CIH Scotland director, Callum Chomczuk's key housing take aways from today's budget

19 Dec 2023

CIH response to the Secretary of State's speech on housing and planning

Read James Prestwich, director of policy and external affairs, response to this mornings speech

18 Dec 2023 | Climate and sustainability

CIH welcomes announcement of government funding for energy efficiency and low-carbon heating

Find out more about what is included in the government announcement, including the largest wave of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to date.

13 Dec 2023

New report: A year on from the Better Social Housing Review – what’s changing?

This report highlights the sector's progress with the BSHR action plan and the impact it’s already having, with examples of good practice and changes happening across the sector.

13 Dec 2023 | Homelessness

Scottish Government commissions monitor on homelessness

A coalition of experts has called on local and national government to adopt a groundbreaking new tool created to measure progress being made towards ending homelessness in Scotland.

07 Dec 2023

Latest statistics show alarming trends for housing in Northern Ireland

CIH calls for urgent action as new housing statistics unveil disturbing trends for Northern Ireland

30 Nov 2023 | About CIH | Homelessness

CIH responds to latest statutory homelessness figures

After decades of under investment in social housing, these figures are disheartening and highlight that many children will now spend much of their childhood living in temporary accommodation.

30 Nov 2023

Cyhoeddi enillwyr Gwobrau Tai Cymru 2023

30 Nov 2023

2023 Welsh Housing Awards winners announced

30 Nov 2023 | About CIH | Cost of living | Homelessness | Regulation and legal

CIH response to Criminal Justice Bill

We are very concerned about the approach being taken which, as drafted, introduces laws that criminalise homelessness.

27 Nov 2023 | Private rent | Regulation and legal

University of Glasgow housing student wins CIH Malcolm Smith Award

University of Glasgow housing student Kevin Howe has received a prestigious award for his work outlining the implications of rent controls in the private rented sector.

22 Nov 2023

CIH reaction to the Autumn Statement

CIH reacts to the housing elements within the Chancellor's Autumn Statement

16 Nov 2023 | Affordability and benefits | Cost of living | Homelessness | Private rent | Tenants and residents

New CIH Scotland backed research shows dramatic Local Housing Allowance shortfall

New CIH research shows 92 per cent of the private rented sector in Scotland is unaffordable for people claiming benefits