If you’ve answered yes to both these questions, then here’s an opportunity for you to influence at the highest level.
The group influences at the heart of Welsh Government, including the Cabinet Secretary for Housing & Local Government.
Having met regularly with successive Housing Ministers, the group was invited to submit its response to the Welsh Government’s Independent Review into the supply of affordable housing and has had representation on Welsh Government Stakeholder groups such as the Tenants at the Heart of Regulation review. The group also developed its own manifesto ahead of the 2021 Senedd elections.
If you have great ideas to feed into the policy debate in Wales, then this is an opportunity for you.
The group is open to members from across tenures, so whether you work in the Private Rented Sector or for a private developer; a Local Authority or Housing Association; a co-operative or tenant organisation.
To apply please send your C.V. and either a covering letter (of no more than 500 words) or a short video (of no more than 2 minutes) about why you want to join the panel, to matthew.dicks@cih.org
Closing date: 7 March 2025