Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 10 Jul 2023

What you need to know about the draft child poverty strategy

An overview of the draft child poverty strategy

This draft child poverty strategy builds on the investments of the last decade and seeks to refocus the 2015 objectives for supporting families out of poverty.

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Member only 03 Jul 2023

Focus on influencing Scotland: July 2023

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Member only 03 Jul 2023

Consultation briefing: a Human Rights Bill for Scotland

This CIH member briefing sets out Scottish Government proposals to introduce a new Human Rights Bill which would include the right to adequate housing.

Member only 26 Jun 2023

Social housing skills report and toolkit

Produced by CIH and Bailes Partners Consulting, this document covers essential components to enable social housing organisations to successfully manage their skills requirements.

22 Jun 2023

Building Blocks For Life: Housing and Healthy Neighbourhoods

Building blocks for life: housing and healthy neighbourhoods looks at the role of housing in tackling health inequalities. This think piece is the latest paper in the series that explores the value of partnerships across housing, health and care, and how to develop strong shared working approaches that benefit residents and communities, supporting health and wellbeing.

You can find previous papers in the series, following the development of these partnerships, drawing on the experience of Grand Union Housing Group and Peabody, working with public health across three local authorities here.

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Member only 21 Jun 2023

What you need to know about the ending homelessness outcomes framework

Welsh Government is consulting on the ending homelessness outcomes framework which has been developed to provide strategic direction for the preventing and ending of homelessness in Wales.

21 Jun 2023

Beth mae angen i chi ei wybod am y fframwaith canlyniadau ar gyfer rhoi diwedd ar ddigartrefedd

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau ar y fframwaith canlyniadau digartrefedd newydd

Mae'r fframwaith canlyniadau ar gyfer rhoi diwedd ar ddigartrefedd wedi'i ddatblygu i
ddarparu cyfeiriad strategol ar gyfer atal a rhoi diwedd ar ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru

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Free 19 Jun 2023

What role for a PRS Regulator?

The Scottish Government has committed to establishing a private rented sector regulator. This new publication considers what a new regulatory regime could look like.

Free 12 Jun 2023

CIH Scotland response to the review of the National Outcomes Framework

This is a joint response to the Scottish Government consultation on the National Outcomes Framework.

12 Jun 2023

CIH response to the consultation on the Clean Heat Market Mechanism

Read CIH's submission to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero's consultation on the Clean Heat Market Mechanism.

09 Jun 2023

CIH submission to the technical consultation on the Infrastructure Levy

CIH's response follows a consultation survey and roundtable event with members, and sets out CIH's concerns with the Infrastructure Levy and its application to affordable housing.

Member only 06 Jun 2023

What you need to know about the new national dementia strategy 2023-2033

This CIH member briefing summarises the key points from the Scottish Government's new national dementia strategy.

Member only 06 Jun 2023

What you need to know about Green Paper on securing a path towards adequate housing – including fair rents and affordability

A breifing on the Welsh Government's Green Paper on securing a path towards adequate housing – including fair rents and affordability. 

06 Jun 2023

CIH response to the consultation for short term let use class and associated permitted development rights

CIH has responded to the consultation from Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities which considers how a new use class for short terms might manage the concentration of short term lets.

06 Jun 2023

CIH response to Department for Culture, Media and Sport on a registration scheme for short term lets in England

CIH has responded to the consultation on a registration scheme as a measure to control the impact of short term lets on communities.