Read our member briefing on all the policies and initiatives to tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency in our homes.
We welcome the opportunity to respond to the UK government’s consultation on Invest 2035: The UK's Modern Industrial Strategy.
This Alternative White Paper sets out how we can generate the evidence base for realistic and deliverable plans for legislation to ensure everyone in Wales has a good home now and in the future..
This report analyses letting agent regulations and practices throughout the UK and Ireland, with a specific focus on developing a new regulatory framework for letting agents operating in Northern Ireland's private rented sector.
As part of the Autumn Budget on 30 October 2024, the government launched a consultation on future social housing rent policy. CIH has put together a briefing on what this consultation asks for.
Welsh government has now published its white paper on securing a pathway towards adequate housing, including fair rents and affordability.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru bellach wedi cyhoeddi ei phapur gwyrdd ar sicrhau llwybr tuag at dai digonol, gan gynnwys rhenti teg a fforddadwyedd.
CIH Scotland response to the Scottish Housing Regulator consultation on performance indicators.
On 30 October, the Chancellor published her Autumn Budget which followed an earlier housing announcement. Find out the detail and CIH's response.
Read CIH Northern Ireland's consultation response to the draft Programme for Government which welcomes the clear recognition of housing as a central priority.
CIH welcome the opportunity to respond to the New Homes Quality Board (NHQB) Code and submit these responses for consideration.
This briefing provides the latest analysis of the cost of living crisis, data available and examines the impact of the crisis and response from the housing sector.
CIH welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Housing Ombudsman's call for evidence on the repairing trust.
CIH Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on developing a Scottish equivalent to the Passivhaus standard.
CIH welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this survey and inform the future design of the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP).
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