Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 21 Feb 2024

Focus on influencing Scotland: February 2024

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

19 Feb 2024

Chartered Institute of Housing response to the Building Safety Levy: second consultation

CIH responds to the second consultation on the Building Safety Levy, find out what detail is in our response to government.

Member only 19 Feb 2024

What you need to know about net-zero and fuel poverty in Scotland

This new CIH member briefing gives an update on key milestones for net-zero and fuel poverty in Scotland.

Member only 15 Feb 2024

What you need to know about the Awaab's Law consultation

Discover more about the seven proposals outlined in the consultation which will apply to the social rented sector.

Member only 12 Feb 2024

What you need to know about the consultation on social housing allocations

Government has issued a consultation on the allocations of social housing, including UK connection tests, income and new grounds for eviction. Find out what you need to know.

Member only 08 Feb 2024

What you need to know about the proposed Competence and Conduct Standard for social housing

Discover the full detail of the new proposed Standards, which include an enhanced code of conduct and qualification requirements.

08 Feb 2024

CIH response to ESNZ Select Committee on energy bills for domestic consumers

We are pleased to have the opportunity to respond to the Committee’s inquiry on energy bills for domestic consumers. We have focused on three of the inquiry’s questions.

07 Feb 2024

Sector Snapshot: Qualifications in Wales

Explore CIH Cymru research to establish the current qualification make-up of relevant housing managers and highlight the level of skill and knowledge that already exists here in Wales.

This report sets out some of the key trends in the responses we received from across the sector.

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07 Feb 2024

Ciplun o'r Sector: Cymwysteraw yng Nghymru

Archwiliwch ymchwil CIH Cymru i sefydlu cyfansoddiad cymwysterau cyfredol rheolwyr tai perthnasol ac amlygu lefel y sgil a'r wybodaeth sydd eisoes yn bodoli yma yng Nghymru.

Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn disgrifio rhai o'r prif dueddiadau yn yr ymatebion a dderbyniom

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Free 06 Feb 2024

Scottish housing 2024: what the sector wants

In 2023 we asked CIH Scotland members what they would like to see in the upcoming Housing Bill - this paper summarises what you've told us needs to be prioritised.

05 Feb 2024

CIH Cymru: A five point plan for housing

CIH Cymru outline how we can work together to ensure everyone in Wales can access a suitable, safe, and affordable home

At CIH Cymru, we believe housing should be a foundational mission for government. Putting housing first will help deliver an equitable Wales where everyone has enough money to live. A Wales where everyone can afford the essentials and where child poverty is eradicated. A Wales where everyone can access a safe, affordable and sustainable home. This paper outlines how we feel this can be achieved.

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05 Feb 2024

Cynllun pum pwynt ar gyfer tai yng Nygymru

Sicrhau y gal pawb gael mynediad at gartref addas, diogel a fforddiadwy.

Bydd ymgorffori’r hawl i gartref digonol nid yn unig yn sicrhau bod unigolion yn gallu cael mynediad i gartref diogel, addas a fforddiadwy, bydd hefyd yn sicrhau bod mwy o arian ar gael i fuddsoddi yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, gan wella ein rhagolygon ariannol ac ansawdd bywyd am genedlaethau i ddod.

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05 Feb 2024

CIH Northern Ireland response to the Department of Finance consultation paper on domestic rating measures

We welcome the consultation on domestic rating measures.

In the pursuit of improving the sustainability of public finances, it is imperative to recognise that revenue generation is not just a choice but a critical imperative.

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25 Jan 2024

CIH submission to the Levelling Up Committee inquiry on children, young people, and the built environment

CIH submission focuses on housing as a critical element in the built environment and its impact on children and young people.

24 Jan 2024

Chartered Institute of Housing response to Ofgem Standing Charge Review Call for Input

Read the CIH response to the latest review from Ofgem on the Standing Charge Review.