Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 13 Dec 2023

CIH summary of the Regulator of Social Housing’s consultation on use of powers

The Social Housing (Regulation) Act passed in July 2023 conferred new powers on the Regulator of Social Housing (the Regulator) in respect of its consumer standards and regulatory role, and made changes to some existing powers (as established in the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008).

CIH is keen for members to inform its response to this consultation; please provide your comments and feedback to sarah.davis@cih.org by 8th January 2024.

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12 Dec 2023

Focus on influencing: December 2023

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

11 Dec 2023

Consultation briefing: Heat in Buildings Bill

This new member briefing summarises the Scottish Government consultation on proposals for a new Heat in Buildings Bill.

05 Dec 2023

CIH submission to Levelling Up Committee inquiry on Shared Ownership

The Levelling Up Committee is running an inquiry on Shared Ownership. Our response, submitted in September 2023 draws on member input.

Member only 04 Dec 2023

Consultation briefing: Social Housing Net Zero Standard in Scotland

This briefing summarises the Scottish Government's consultation on a new Social Housing Net Zero Standard (SHNZS).

Member only 04 Dec 2023

2024-25 Scottish Government budget briefing

CIH Scotland has developed this briefing ahead of the Scottish Government budget announcement to make the case for funding for affordable housing supply, homeless services and domestic abuse.

01 Dec 2023

Compendiwm Arfer Da Cymraeg 2023 (Cymraeg)

Darllenwch 32 o brosiectau llawn, gan gynnwys manylion cyswllt ar gyfer arweinwyr prosiect ac esboniadau o sut y cyflawnwyd y canlyniadau a'r cyflawniadau.

30 Nov 2023

Compendiwn Arfer Da Tai Cymru Gwobrau 2023

Dogfen ddysgu graidd yn llawn ysbrydoliaeth, syniadau ac arloesedd i helpu’r sector i greu dyfodol lle mae gan bawb rywle i’w alw’n gartref.

Member only 27 Nov 2023

Ofgem’s review of standing charges and ESNZ inquiry into energy bills – member briefing and request for input

Discover more and feed in your views to inform our responses.

24 Nov 2023

Welsh Housing Awards Good Practice Compendium 2023

A core learning document full of inspiration, ideas, and innovation to help the sector create a future where everyone has a place to call home.

Member only 23 Nov 2023

What you need to know about the Autumn Statement 2023

Delve into the detail of the announcements made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 22 November 2023.

21 Nov 2023

CIH response to the Housing Ombudsman's consultation on the Complaints Handling Code

The Social Housing (Regulation) Act places the Complaints Handling Code on a statutory footing, requiring the Ombudsman to ensure that housing organisations comply with the Code.

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21 Nov 2023

CIH response to the Goverment’s consultation on Directions to the Regulator of Social Housing in relation to information for tenants on tenants rights and complaints

CIH is pleased to provide comment on the government’s consultation on its directions to the Regulator of Social Housing in respect of the provision of information to tenants on their rights and complaints.

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21 Nov 2023

CIH submission to the Lords BEC Inquiry on Modern Methods of Construction

Read our full submission to House of Lords Built Environment Committee’s inquiry "Modern methods of construction – what’s gone wrong?"

Member only 21 Nov 2023

Beth mae angen i chi ei wybod Safon Ansawdd Tai Cymru 2023

Mae'r papur briffio hwn yn darparu trosolwg o'r safonau newydd gan gynnwys yr amserlenni wedi'u diweddaru.

Fe wnaethom gyhoeddi’r papur briffio hwn yn y lle cyntaf ym mis Mehefin 2023 fel rhan
o’n hymgysylltiad ar y Safon Ansawdd Tai Cymru (SATC) newydd arfaethedig sydd i’w
chyhoeddi yn 2023. 

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