Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

31 May 2023

CIH response to HMRC call for evidence on VAT energy saving materials relief – improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions

Read CIH's submission which is supportive of the proposals to add electrical battery storage to the list of qualifying technologies for VAT relief.

30 May 2023

CIH response to select committee inquiry on the finances and sustainability of the social housing sector

Read CIH’s submission to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities committee inquiry.

You can find out more about the inquiry here.

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Member only 29 May 2023

Consultation briefing: council tax on second and empty homes/non-domestic rates

This CIH member briefing sets out Scottish Government proposals to allow increases to council tax on second and empty homes.

Member only 26 May 2023

Putting safety first: Governing body member assurance

The second in our series of "Putting safety first" briefings provides guidance for governing bodies in relation to health and safety assurance.

25 May 2023

Better Social Housing Review Action Plan

This action plan sets out what the NHF and CIH will do to work alongside the housing sector to deliver on the BSHR panel’s recommendations.

24 May 2023

CIH submission to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into benefit levels

CIH's submission to the inquiry into benefit levels draws on existing research in this area.

Further information on this topic is also captured in a recent blog by Sam Lister, CIH policy and practice officer. You can also find out more about the inquiry here.

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24 May 2023

CIH response to the Home Office consultation on Community Safety Partnerships and anti-social behaviour powers

CIH's response addresses the broad issues raised in this consultation, and has been informed by discussions with CIH members at a recent round table on anti-social behaviour.

Member only 18 May 2023

What you need to know about the Renters (Reform) Bill

The Renters (Reform) Bill proposes some of the largest changes to the private rented sector in 30 years. This member briefing tells you everything you need to know about the headline measures.

16 May 2023

CIH cost of living briefing: A spotlight on older people

This cost of living briefing provides the latest research and data available and examines the impact of the crisis on older people.

Member only 12 May 2023

Housing Bill 2023 - member discussion toolkit

The Scottish Government is introducing a new Housing Bill this year and we need your feedback. CIH members can use this toolkit to host their own discussions and send comments.

Member only 11 May 2023

A new deal for tenants - Housing Bill 2023 discussion paper

This discussion paper sets out the elements we think will be included in the upcoming Housing Bill and questions for CIH Scotland members to consider.

Member only 11 May 2023

Domestic abuse and the homelessness prevention duty - Housing Bill 2023 discussion paper

This discussion paper sets out the elements we think will be included in the upcoming Housing Bill and questions for CIH members to consider.

Member only 11 May 2023

Workforce development and professionalism - Housing Bill 2023 discussion paper

This discussion paper sets out the elements we think will be included in the upcoming Housing Bill and questions for CIH members to consider.

Member only 11 May 2023

Housing Bill 2023 - presentation for CIH members

This presentation is part of our member engagement toolkit to gather feedback on proposals for the Housing Bill 2023.

Free 09 May 2023

Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan: response to Scottish Government consultation

CIH Scotland's response to the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan