Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Free 17 Mar 2023

CIH Scotland response to proposed changes to the Additional Dwelling Supplement

The Scottish Government has proposed changes to the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) Additional Dwelling Supplement (ADS).

Member only 16 Mar 2023

What you need to know about decarbonising the private housing sector

Overview of the Senedd's Climate Committee report and our view on the findings

Member only 16 Mar 2023

Beth mae angen i chi ei wybod am ddatgarboneiddio'r sector tai preifat

Trosolwg o adroddiad Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd y Senedd a’n barn ar y canfyddiadau

Member only 16 Mar 2023

What you need to know about the Spring Budget

A round-up of the key points from the March 2023 Budget, with CIH's response to the announcements made.

Member only 13 Mar 2023

What you need to know about the Welsh Government’s final budget 2023-2024

CIH Cymru's Analysis of Welsh Government's Final Budget 2023-24

Member only 13 Mar 2023

Beth mae angen i chi ei wybod am Gyllideb Derfynol Llywodraeth Cymru 2023-2024

Dadansoddiad CIH Cymru o gyllideb derfynol Llywodraeth Cymru 2023-24

13 Mar 2023

CIH response to Inquiry by APPG for Ending Homelessness and APPG for Housing Market and Housing Delivery into housing solutions for homeless households – rethinking housing conversions

CIH has made a written submission to the joint enquiry from the APPG for Ending Homelessness and the APPG on Housing Market and Housing Delivery, into housing solutions for homeless households.

The inquiry sought views on how office and commercial space could be converted into genuinely affordable, decent housing to boost supply for those experiencing homelessness and other low-income households.

Whilst conversions could be a part of the solution, more oversight and control by local authorities will be needed than that which is currently awarded through the permitted development route.  We call for more long term funding and links to appropriate support.

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13 Mar 2023

CIH code of conduct

CIH's code of conduct for housing professionals

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07 Mar 2023

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans: Developing a monitoring framework for local authorities

This document proposes how RRTPs could be monitored more consistently, providing an evidence base for tracking the impact of RRTP work.

07 Mar 2023

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans: Making the case for the next five years

A CIH Scotland and Fife Council joint report and recommendations highlighting the importance of Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans as part of the Ending Homelessness Together commitment.

02 Mar 2023

CIH response to the reforms to national policy consultation

CIH's full response to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill Reforms to National Planning Policy consultation

Member only 02 Mar 2023

What you need to know about the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill

Find out everything what you need to know about the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill now it has completed its Report stage in the House of Commons.

01 Mar 2023

CIH Northern Ireland response to Call for Evidence on Protection for Consumers During Energy Decarbonisation

This is a response to the call for evidence by the Utility Regulator and Consumer Council NI, regarding how energy consumers will be protected during the transition to a decarbonised energy system.

01 Mar 2023

CIH submission to Labour Party NPF consultation

Download CIH's submission to the NPF policy consultation and our four key asks of the next government.

28 Feb 2023

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill: Report stage briefing

The Social Housing (Regulation) Bill enters the report stage in the House of Commons on 1 March 2023.

A number of amendments have been proposed that further strengthen the bill and its requirements including, for example, measures to tackle hazards within certain time periods, and requirements around the skills, experience and qualifications of senior housing staff. This briefing provides an overview of CIH’s thoughts on the bill and proposed amendments (as currently proposed).

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