Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Free 06 Dec 2022

Housing and human rights framework

Ahead of Human Rights Day 2022, this new guide outlines how landlords can take a human rights approach to service delivery. It builds on guidance released earlier this year.

Free 05 Dec 2022

CIH Scotland response to the national conversation on a new dementia strategy

Response to the Scottish Government's consultation on a new national dementia strategy for Scotland.

Free 30 Nov 2022

CIH cost of living briefing: A spotlight on children and families

This cost of living briefing summarises the latest research and data on the crisis, examining the impact on families and children

24 Nov 2022

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill: House of Commons Committee Stage Briefing

An update on the latest stage of the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill.

The Social Housing (Regulation) Bill is due for committee stage in the House of Commons on 29 November 2022. This briefing provides an overview of CIH’s thoughts on the Bill and some proposed amendments (as currently drafted).

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Member only 21 Nov 2022

What you need to know about the Autumn Statement

This guide summarises the key measures announced by the Chancellor on 17 November 2022 that members are likely to be interested in, alongside our response.

18 Nov 2022

Welsh Housing Awards Good Practice Compendium 2022

A core learning document full of inspiration, ideas, and innovation to help the sector create a future where everyone has a place to call home.

18 Nov 2022

Gompendiwm Arfer Da Gwobrau Tai Cymru 2022

Dogfen ddysgu graidd sy’n llawn ysbrydoliaeth, syniadau, ac arloesedd i helpu’r sector i greu dyfodol lle mae gan bawb le i’w alw’n gartref.

Member only 14 Nov 2022

Focus on influencing Scotland:November 2022

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

03 Nov 2022

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill: Briefing on the second reading

CIH’s latest briefing on the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill as it progresses through Parliament.

03 Nov 2022

CIH submission to the Levelling Up Housing and Communities Select Committee inquiry on reforming the private rented sector

We have submitted evidence to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee inquiry on reforming the private rented sector.

Free 01 Nov 2022

UK Housing Review 2022 autumn briefing paper

Find all the latest analysis and updates on the pressing housing topics of the moment in the UK Housing Review 2022 autumn briefing paper – a UK housing sector must read document.

Member only 31 Oct 2022

Rent regulation in the private rented sector in Northern Ireland

New CIH research shows 41 per cent of private landlords would quit the market under Northern Ireland rent freeze

People looking for new private rented accommodation would face a further shortage of suitable housing options if rents were frozen, according to new research conducted by the Chartered Institute of Housing Northern Ireland for the Department for Communities.

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Free 30 Oct 2022

Land reform in a net-zero nation: evidence submitted to Scottish Government

CIH Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on land reform in rural areas.

28 Oct 2022

Scotland Good Practice Compendium 2022

Sharing excellent practice and innovations from the Scotland Housing Awards 2022.

28 Oct 2022

Cost of living briefing: A spotlight on benefits and disability

This briefing summarises the latest research and data on the crisis, examining the impact of inflation on benefits and the disproportionate impact of the crisis on disabled people.